I am pretty sure that all dads think this about their daughters, but I could actually see why he would. My dad doesn’t hear about all of the guys, but the ones he has heard about lately, may not be so impressive. It is probably true that I tend to date down, but I have a question about the prime guys to date—Where are those guys?
Think about the guy in your class, or church. The attractive, practical, grown up men are not readily available because they tend to turn into bookworms for the few available years between the mission and when they get snatched up by the better hunters.
This is the way I see things, but it is based on something you all will probably agree with. The truth is, when you are looking, you never find. These prime guys with the goals and the full head of hair, focus on school.
Although they focus on school, they also tend to get married before too long. They are ahead of all of the other guys who try so hard because they aren’t trying. I have seen so many cases where a person gives up on dating just to run into the person they tie the knot with a few months later. When you think you are ready, you are not. When you don’t think you will ever figure it out, that is sometimes when it happens.
Now that we have that concept figured out, let me tell you why the guys you see at all of the activities and who hit on you are not the guys your dads think you deserve. It is because the prime guys are not looking as hard for a relationship all of the time. Also, they don’t live the single life for very long.
There is no moral to this thought. Basically it is a problem, and the harder you work to work around it, the less successful you will be.
By Tiffany S. Thatcher, Life Editor. dancertiff@gmail.com
Sounds like you need to focus on school like these men you describe and other more important things in life than finding a man. If one comes along that you like being with, than great for you! but stop worrying so much about finding a guy at so young of an age. Your main focus should be about you and what you want to acheive as an individual not when and how you can get a man to settle down with. Definitely stop writing to all the women in this school about where to find a man that is not below them (to which i guess the alternative is above them??) because this article was pathetic and made it seem like for women their highest acheivement would not be to earn their own degree but to be able to distract these educated ambitious men from their studies long enough to get them to put a ring on it.