Hot cowboys and winning


November 15, 2010

schedule 2 min read

An old-fashioned saloon scene took over the ballroom commons the night of Nov. 4, as cowboys and cowgirls gambled the night away during UVUSA’s first Cowboy Casino Night. “Basically, what was projected to happen is exactly what’s happening: good clean fun,” said Joe Jurisic, the special events chair over the event. Jurisic went on to […]

What does it take to be a true wolverine?


November 1, 2010

schedule 2 min read

On Oct. 7, hundreds of students gathered under the stars to earn the title of “true wolverine.” Though the night was cold, things quickly heated up. For those unfamiliar with the tradition, a “true wolverine” is someone who kisses another at the top of the courtyard’s fountain at midnight on a specific date. Rather than […]