Dave’s Iba’s Top 9 List


October 6, 2008

schedule 2 min read

Dave Iba’s Top 9 list The new names for Stephanie Meyer’s newest novel 9. If I hear Anyone Else Talk About These Books I’ll Throw Up; 8. Edward Vs. Jacob In The Twilight Zone; 7. The Fresh Prince Of Bella Air; 6. Bella, The Triple Crown Winner; 5. Eclipse, New Moon, Twilight .

Dave Iba’s Youtube top 10 fav list


September 29, 2008

schedule 1 min read

Dave Iba’s Youtube top 10 fav list 10. Seinfeld rips Larry King 9. He’s gonna kick my ass? 8. Where’s the Rent? 7. http://tinyurl.com/2q9j9y Be on the look out for Barack Obama’s cameo. 6. Little superstar 5. GI Joe Gay 4. Snoop gets a clean mouth 3. Spelling bee jerk 2.

Dave Iba’s top-six list


September 15, 2008

schedule 1 min read

1. Nothing. Just own a long board. 2. Have you ever heard of APEX? Rad, right? Check out my car. 3. Does this rag smell like chloroform to you? 4. Are you an RM? Cause I’d love to speak in tongues with you. 5. Duh!! I’m from the O.C. 6. Yeah, I know McCain is so old.