The thin blue line


March 2, 2016

schedule 2 min read

Lost Property Feb 16 – Police met with a student at the police department regarding lost property. The student had misplaced their UVU student ID bus pass. Information was obtained and a lost property report was filed. Jamba Juice Heist Feb 16 –The case was closed against two male students who stole items from Jamba […]

Zions Bank on the lookout for reality show stars


September 10, 2012

schedule 2 min read

Want to win $10,000 for being cheap? Zions Bank is looking for 13 college students in Idaho and Utah who will compete to find the most value for their money. The bank plans to discover this person with their reality show, Cheapster, slated for its second season this fall. As if more incentive for students […]