Satan’s greatest enemy for governor

We live in a society, people. Take the election for example. It’s the time when freedom-loving Americans reaffirm their commitment to the social contract as defined by the Founding Fathers. Alas, for the plight of poor deceived Utah citizens, most have been blinded and deceived by satanic media who broadcast lies into people’s homes through their one-eyed devil to distract them from the knowledge that there is actually a candidate for governor who understands and wants to restore the Constitution: SuperDell Schanze.

Satan’s greatest enemy for governer

We live in a society, people. Take the election for example. It’s the time when freedom-loving Americans reaffirm their commitment to the social contract as defined by the Founding Fathers. Alas, for the plight of poor deceived Utah citizens, most have been blinded and deceived by satanic media who broadcast lies into people’s homes through their one-eyed devil to distract them from the knowledge that there is actually a candidate for governor who understands and wants to restore the Constitution: SuperDell Schanze.

God Save the Executive Branch

We live in a society people. Take bodily function management for example. Though it usually goes without saying, every once in a while some dastardly miscreant comes ambling along, soiling the world around them with reckless impunity. And in those instances it is up to the good, the decent, the exemplary, the veritable moral rocks of Gibraltar, as it were, to give society the sort of stern reminder about what the core components of the social contract are.

We Live in a Society, People. Knock things you haven’t tried

If there’s one thing we can learn from maxims, it’s that the best sort of truth is oft-repeated truth. It should come as no surprise, then, that there is an oft-repeated adage espousing essentially this exact dogma: There is no substitute for experience. Unfortunately, there are people — conniving, insidious deceivers, in reality — who pervert the stand-up intentions of this classic bit of wisdom.

Remember your manners

We live in a society, people. Take the war on drugs for instance. There was a time when respectable company could expect that certain courtesies would be repaid with courtesy. But that time, along with so much of propriety, has been abandoned in a seedy retirement home.