Top 10 wits
To perpetuate the known cliche that laughter is the best medicine, here’s my top 10 wits of all time. 1. Oscar Wilde, READ MORE
To perpetuate the known cliche that laughter is the best medicine, here’s my top 10 wits of all time. 1. Oscar Wilde, READ MORE
At age 16 I decided that academia was not for me (something I have since recanted), and went off for a year READ MORE
Did you ever want to make a difference in someone’s life? Did you ever want to be a hero? This is your READ MORE
Did you ever want to make a difference in someone’s life? Did you ever want to be a hero? This is your chance. On Sept. 12, Dragon’s Keep Comic and Game Emporium, located in Provo, and artist Bill Galvan are holding a fundraising benefit in honor of freelance writer and cancer patient Jake Black and the Dragon’s Keep’s 22nd anniversary.
Comic books have had a bad rap in the past. Viewed exclusively as the medium for young, male nerds, geeks and fan boys, comics have not been taken seriously as an art form or as respectable literature. We need not look any further than The Big Bang Theory for familiar stereotypes.