
September 17, 2012

schedule 3 min read

The men’s club volleyball team may need to sponsor tournaments like the “King and Queen of the Grass” to fund their season, but hopefully that won’t be the case for much longer.

Strange Brew


September 3, 2012

schedule 3 min read

Whether it’s a Kony 2012 campaign or Bieber Fever, it can be very difficult to avoid getting swept up in a flurry of excitement to look for the truth amongst a pile of PR and half truths. Business student Kraig Jacobson has stepped in a heaping pile of Canadian cow pies by neglecting to declare a […]

Read the Atheism one first


September 3, 2012

schedule 4 min read

I ask that you read the piece about atheism first only because Connor Allen and Cameron Simek laid out an extremely eloquent and simple-to-understand explanation of their beliefs. And make no bones about it, atheism is, without a doubt, a very defined and rigid ideology. Many would have you believe they are spiritual anarchists of […]

Dress for success, it pays to impress


September 3, 2012

schedule 3 min read

We would all like to believe that it’s all about what is on the inside of a person and not what a person looks like. However, that is simply not the case. As college students, we take on the responsibility of becoming adults, taking care of ourselves and preparing to start a on a career […]

A true Wolverine


September 3, 2012

schedule 4 min read

I enjoy traditions. They provide consistency and familiarity in otherwise ever-changing lives. I’m sure that the very first lovers to kiss on campus here at UVU, sparking the “True Wolverine” tradition, were two perfectly nice people. Unfortunately, sometimes traditions are upheld simply for the sake of tradition without giving much thought to what the tradition […]

Strange Brew


September 1, 2012

schedule 3 min read

Whether it’s a Kony 2012 campaign or Bieber fever, it can be very difficult to avoid getting swept up in a flurry of excitement and look for the truth amongst a pile of PR and half truths.   Utah Valley University business student, Kraig Jacobson has stepped in a heaping pile of Canadian cow pies […]

Trickle-up education: A letter from the editor


August 27, 2012

schedule 6 min read

Death, taxes and inflation. In this current economy, those three things are what we can all bank on and must be ready for. The biggest culprits aside from the Grim Reaper and the government (it can be hard to differentiate the two at times) are thought to be the demonized group of Bilderbergers that meet […]

Welcome back common sense, it’s been a while


August 27, 2012

schedule 5 min read

We may not be the person we want to be, but what we do determines who we are, whether we like it or not. Watching the Bunnel house be taken apart brick by brick has made me quite reflective. The house is old, unused and tiny. The new Student Life and Wellness building will be […]

Death by pixels


August 27, 2012

schedule 4 min read

Nobody reads our paper. *Correction: Nobody reads newspapers in general. **Correction: Nobody reads the physical hard copy of any newspaper. It shouldn’t surprise anyone, considering publications like the New York Times have been stumbling around trying to avoid the digital buzz saw that is hacking up the print industry. Ten years ago, the New York […]