Banff Mountain Film Festival


February 9, 2009

schedule 2 min read

The UVU Outdoor Adventure Center will host the world renowned Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour this week, with feature films at the Ragan Theater. Named for Banff, Canada’s oldest national park, the Banff Mountain Film Festival features some of the best documentary footage on mountain subjects in the world.

Until death do you part


February 9, 2009

schedule 2 min read


So, you are considering becoming a costumed superhero (what else are you going to do with a Criminal Justice degree?). Before you come up with a cool name and practice your signature power move, make sure you ditch your love life. Relationships always end badly for superheroes, and not badly like she dumped you and never gave back your ipod.

Oh Polly


February 9, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Johanne Frechette Perry gives a wonderful performance at the Covey center’s little Blackbox theatre. This tiny woman has a mighty range of emotions and the ability to hold the audience captivated with her brilliant performance from start to finish. Surprisingly, this true story was written by Perry’s husband Steven Kapp Perry.

Game Of The Year 2008


February 9, 2009

schedule 4 min read

Regardless your gaming platform of choice, it’s safe to say that 2008 was one hell of a year for video games. The quality and range of titles and genres represented was truly inspiring and there really was something for everyone. Whether you rocked out with any of the multiple Guitar Hero iterations, explored Fallout 3’s irradiated wasteland, or swayed in time with Wii Fit’s virtual hula hoop, finding a good game last year should have been pretty easy.

Gaslight Anthem – The ’59 Sound


February 9, 2009

schedule 3 min read

As I watched the Super Bowl this past weekend, Bruce Springsteen played a few of his favorite songs during the halftime show. Fans chanted along as “Born to Run” came over the speakers as well as “Glory Days”, and it seemed that the only thing missing was a frothy mug of beer in everyone’s hand.

If you haven’t read it …


February 9, 2009

schedule 2 min read

February is a great month to read Mark Twain’s classic, Pudd’nhead Wilson. Twain had a newspaper man’s eye for details and a sharp wit which he never hesitated to employ. Twain’s literature satirized the American life and reflected the absurd in a way that popular television shows like The Daily Show and The Colbert Report still successfully mimic.

Jenn’s Dusty Shelf


February 9, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Dolores O’Riordan’s voice is one of the most recognizable female voices in rock; O’Riordan may well be the reason The Cranberries earned much of their success in the mid 1990s. The band’s most commercially successful album, No Need to Argue sold over seven million albums in the United States and is popularly recognized as the couch album, as the cover art and album notes all contain the band sitting on an old plaid couch in various locations.

Fancy a spot o’ tea?


February 9, 2009

schedule 3 min read

Take a step back in time and a jump over to England as you walk into the lavishly decorated “parlour” of the Beehive Tea Room. The decor is Victorian eclectic style, which sets the perfect ambiance for Afternoon Tea. One may enjoy a simple lunch of soup and a sandwich, or perhaps a coffee and cake.

Well of comedy in downtown Provo


February 2, 2009

schedule 2 min read

There is an adrenaline rush at the cozy club on Centre Street in Provo. Comedy Sports cast and team-mates will parachute you into the unknown with their “in the moment” world of comedy. It’s about improvisational dialogues deriving from suggested “games” alternating with ideas sprung from the audience.

The Sad State of The Dark Knight


February 2, 2009

schedule 2 min read

A few weeks ago, DC Comics killed off Bruce Wayne. One of the comic book worlds biggest icons died, and nobody seemed to notice. There could be any number of reasons for this lack of attention, but the real culprit is one of the most obvious. For sometime now, Batman’s monthly comic books have totally sucked.

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