Free Dr. Pepper for everyone in America


November 3, 2008

schedule 2 min read

The band Guns N’ Roses has been working on their latest album, Chinese Democracy, for over a decade. Earlier this year, Dr. Pepper announced that they would give “everyone in America” one free can of soda if the album was released sometime in 2008. Axl Rose and company have finally set the official release date as Nov.

Under the coffin Lid:


October 27, 2008

schedule 4 min read

From the costumes and makeup to light and sound to the acting and directing, Nosferatu breaks new ground for UVU theater. By way of constant experimentation and evolution, the experience will make for a unique evening at the theater. The Movie The story of Nosferatu is based on Bram Stoker’s famous novel, Dracula.

Movie reviews


October 27, 2008

schedule 4 min read

Sex Drive Teen comedy dives into R-rated trend Photo credit: Summit Entertainment According to mainstream Hollywood, sex is the only thing on every teenage boy’s mind. He will do anything get it. Ian is still a virgin. And because of peer pressure and hormones, he’s working as hard as he can to change that.

A Victorian secret


October 27, 2008

schedule 3 min read

The Turn of the Screw is a tale of ghosts. Or is it? For those familiar with the Henry James novella from which the play was adapted, you might recall the psychological nature of the work. SCREW is praised as a work that has the ability to create fear and horror without detailing gore.

The heroine, the scientist, and the transvestite


October 27, 2008

schedule 2 min read

To complement the new Cinema Studies minor in the English department, students have created a new club. Thus far, the cinema studies club has sponsored two cult-film screenings, Evil Dead 2 and Dr. Strangelove. This Thursday, the club, along with the Gay-Straight Alliance, will show the classic The Rocky Horror Picture Show in the LA building.

The only election that really matters


October 27, 2008

schedule 3 min read

As election day fast approaches, a mystifying number of Utahans actually seem excited to get out there and cast a vote that, let’s face it, won’t count. If you’re an idealist, you no doubt read the previous sentence with a quietly dignified feeling of moral superiority and a smug smirk that sarcastically screams, “Oh, a cynic.

Reading for pleasure


October 27, 2008

schedule 2 min read

Looking for something good to read between classes? This week’s featured book is Graham Greene’s acclaimed Vietnam novel, The Quiet American. If you like what you read, this book is available for checkout in the library. For more information on Greene’s life or novels you can go to http://members.

New Coffee Pod opens in Zoobieville


October 27, 2008

schedule 2 min read

For obvious reasons, a coffee drinker’s options are limited in the Provo/Orem area. But at long last, Coffee Pod is now open near the border between the cities. Though it may be located near downtown Zoobieville, Provo’s disenchanted coffee lovers are gravitating toward the Pod.



October 27, 2008

schedule 2 min read

Last year I wrote that UVU’s growing theater department hit puberty with their production of Canyon Suite in December. Nosferatu, however, proves that the awkward stage is over. Theater is essentially storytelling, and in Nosferatu, director Christopher Clark approached the art’s basic function in a way seldom seen in theatrical nuclei like New York or San Francisco — much less in Happy Valley.

Look up in the sky


October 13, 2008

schedule 2 min read

All-Star Superman is awesome. Let’s just get that out in the open to start off. This book is fantastic in nearly every sense of the word. If you like comic books, you need to read this, no question about it. Now, Superman is a hard sell these days, I realize.