A tape measure is wrapped around a fork.

Exercise and fasting: Is it all cons?


March 15, 2023

schedule 3 min read

From busy work schedules to the time commitment of raising children and attending to other daily activities, the practice of exercising on an empty stomach is taboo among Americans. Should exercising on an empty stomach be avoided, or is the habit beneficial?

Exploring the benefits of yoga


October 31, 2022

schedule 3 min read

There are many benefits to yoga, and they can be yours for free if you are a full-time UVU student. The yoga class helps students “move through relaxing routines to help ease stress, by focusing on breathing and performing fluid body movements.”

Exercise, make it a habit


October 31, 2022

schedule 3 min read

Developing a habit of regular exercise can be a challenge. Overcoming this obstacle can provide many health benefits for our overall wellness and lead to a better quality of life.

Controlling the silent killer


October 20, 2022

schedule 3 min read

The CDC has stated that, “the silent killer dangerously affects one in two adults, causing almost 500,000 deaths per year in the United States.” Take care of yourself this Halloween season with a blood pressure check to avoid any unwanted scares!