300+ parking spaces open on campus

September 22, 2021

Reading Time: < 1 minute Due to new developments on campus, parking this semester has been the least difficult compared to previous ones, according to Vice President of Administration and Strategic Relations, Val Peterson, in the most recent Talk with Tuminez.  “This semester we have experienced the least parking pressure that we’ve seen in a long time because of a […]

UVUSA Insta copycat takes student’s info

September 17, 2021

Reading Time: < 1 minute On Aug. 13, UVUSA announced their “Weeks of Welcome” giveaway on Instagram to celebrate the beginning of the fall semester; shortly after that, a copycat account was created on Instagram that looked exactly like the original. The creator is still unknown and is suspected of trying to steal people’s banking information, according to Jeff Elggren, […]

Students are concerned about US withdrawal from Afghanistan

September 10, 2021

Reading Time: 5 minutes After two decades in Afghanistan, the US has finally pulled out of the longest war in American history. On Monday, Aug. 30, the last plane with Americans and Afghans left the international airport in Kabul — only one day before the official extraction deadline (Aug. 31) set by President Joe Biden.  When asked why he […]

Students protest vaccine requirement

September 10, 2021

Reading Time: 2 minutes Editor’s Note: This article was updated on Thursday, Sept. 16, 2021. A previous version of the article incorrectly labeled a source’s statement as false. Utah Valley University’s website lists healthy diets, sleep and exercise as “protective measures” to “decrease … chances of contracting coronavirus.” “You do not need the vaccine to attend UVU” was written […]

Native American communities have highest vaccination rates in US

September 10, 2021

Reading Time: 3 minutes On Sept. 2, The L.A. Times posted an interview about how Native Americans have the highest vaccination rates. They talked about how these communities achieved such a feat and their motivations. “Native Americans now have the highest vaccination rates of any major racial or ethnic group in the United States,” said Gustavo Arellano, host of […]

Hundreds of students without legal parking in Orem

September 8, 2021

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hundreds of students living in UVU student housing are left without legal parking, due to limited parking provided by apartment complexes, and neighborhood parking laws.  “Parking is a nightmare,” said a resident of Axis Luxury Student Living. “I have left my car at friend’s houses and [had to] ride the bus back because I don’t […]

Tuminez explains campus updates in presidential forum

September 7, 2021

Reading Time: 4 minutes Utah Valley University’s recent vaccine mandate stems from the school’s responsibility to protect students, and is an important safety measure to allow campus life to continue in person, said President Astrid Tuminez in the first “Talk with Tuminez” forum of the semester.  “The first thing I want to say is this pandemic has created … […]

Utah’s unique redistricting year is upon us

September 7, 2021

Reading Time: 2 minutes This article is co-authored by Ashley Nash and Kate Hickman. Another decade has passed, and the time has come for redistricting in Utah. For most UVU students, this will be the first time redistricting will take place when they are of voting age. Now is the time for UVU students to become involved in their […]

UVU to require COVID-19 vaccination by spring 2022

September 1, 2021

Reading Time: 2 minutes Utah Valley University will require on-campus students to be vaccinated against COVID-19 beginning in 2022, the university announced on Monday Aug. 30. They will join other universities: University of Utah, Utah State University and Weber State University. They are still developing plans.  “The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) recently provided the state’s public universities […]

IPCC’s latest assessment report and sustainability at UVU

August 29, 2021

Reading Time: 4 minutes On Aug. 9, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the sixth Assessment Report (AR6) summarizing the current state of the climate, causes, impacts and options for climate action. The major findings from AR6 show conclusive evidence that human activities are causing climate change, that it is happening in every region on Earth and […]