Local yoga studio-breathe, bend, be…humanitarian


February 1, 2010

schedule 3 min read

Moved by the recent devastation in Haiti, its increasing death toll and the widespread suffering. In an effort to aid the victims of this tragedy, It’s Yoga held a Haiti Earthquake Relief/ Red Cross Fundraiser on Jan. 23 through four yoga workshop classes. The studio, located in the Shops at Riverwoods in Provo, requested a […]

Events calendar


February 1, 2010

schedule 1 min read

Feb. 1: –  Morningstar Native American Dancers: Orem Public Library, free admission, 7 p.m. –  Hilary Demske Piano Recital: Ragan Theater, 7: 30 p.m. Feb. 2: –  UVU Faculty Woodwind Quartet Recital: Ragan Theater, 7:30 p.m. –  Movie night: “The Devil wears Prada,” Ballroom, free admission, 8 p.m. –  Groundhog 5K: Hall of Flags, $10 […]

State of the student: What Obama’s speech means for us


February 1, 2010

schedule 3 min read

Last Wednesday, as I was pouring myself a tall, pre-State of the Union club soda and lime, I wished that, just once, a sitting president would begin his annual address to their nation of constituents, especially in times as turbulent as these, with a po-faced “The state of the union is…SUCKY.” However, in lieu of […]

Response to vandalism


February 1, 2010

schedule 3 min read

I must preface this opinions piece by saying that I take full authorship of these comments and that they may not necessarily represent the whole of the Revolutionary Students Union. The RSU is a non-tendency club that welcome all tendencies of anti-capitalism, so I don’t speak for all of its members. The RSU is under […]

The Correctionary: Comment


February 1, 2010

schedule 3 min read

Many have undoubtedly had the urge in class to reach over and throttle the person whose off topic and possibly far too personal comment has just made their blood boil with vitriolic disgust. It’s not unheard of. But, really there’s no need for violence. All they really need is to understand what a comment is […]

Prop logic


February 1, 2010

schedule 3 min read

A much talked about film premiered this week at the Sundance film festival, detailing the Mormon church’s involvement in the passing of Proposition 8 in California. The proposition amended the state’s constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman. The effect of “8: The Mormon Proposition” in Utah has been, in a […]

Brilliant production provokes thought and laughter


February 1, 2010

schedule 3 min read

The stage was set with grimy public restrooms and calls to liberation were smeared across the walls: “Let my people pee!” they demanded. This was the depiction audience members saw in the Ragan Theater Jan. 21-30 before the spectacular production of “Urinetown” began each evening. The music began and lights focused on Officer Lockstock, played […]

UVU’s Nakayama grateful for opportunity


February 1, 2010

schedule 3 min read

Four years ago, the Utah Valley women’s basketball team gained a new point guard from nearly 1,100 miles away. Utah Valley’s Asumi Nakayama came all the way from Saitama, Japan to play as a Wolverine. Despite another offer to stay in Japan to play basketball, Nakayama chose Utah Valley because of the opportunities it held […]

Tunnels of Orem High


February 1, 2010

schedule 3 min read

Utah County in danger of a nuclear strike? Not likely, even today. But in the late 50s, the arms race infused the entire country with a paranoia that no city ignored — not even the 2,000 citizens of Happy Valley Orem. Solution: bomb shelters. For the local civil defense council, the most ideal places for […]

Budget cuts


February 1, 2010

schedule 3 min read

As if Utah college students weren’t facing enough obstructions to their education — especially the cost of tuition, which continues to grow every semester — there’s more trouble on the financial horizon. As reported by the Deseret News on Jan. 21st, Utah’s colleges and universities had their budgets reduced 4 percent, putting jobs in jeopardy […]