Out of this world performance should stay that way


February 1, 2010

schedule 3 min read

As the lights began to dim in the Madsen Recital Hall on the evening of Jan. 28, the chattering of students was silenced by abnormal sounds from the future. The Utah Crosstalk, an electronic collaboration between BYU and U of U, sounded nothing like popular electronic music from, say, Ratatat or Explosions in the Sky. […]

Local poet encourages artistic expression


February 1, 2010

schedule 2 min read

One of Utah’s great poet’s, Joel Long, read sections of his most popular book “Winged Insects” in SC 206 on Jan. 28 as part of the “Happenings in Humanities” event. The work from which he read won him the “Mayor’s Artist Award for Literary Arts” at The Utah Arts Festival. His poems have been published […]

Off the beaten path: There is more than one form of dirt-cheap lodging


February 1, 2010

schedule 3 min read

When considering lodgings, hostels come to the forefront of any  come to forefront of any travelers mind.While hostels can be cheap and inexpensive, don’t be afraid to roll your sleeping bag out on a beach, it may save you 15 bucks a day. In some countries that extra cash can prolong your travels by weeks. […]

Everday tedium inspires a captivating and interactive performance


February 1, 2010

schedule 2 min read

We associate feet with shoes, socks, walking and even odor, but they are not generally associated with art — and yet the Synergy Dance Company has defied connotations of mundanity and reminded their audiences of the human foot’s artistic potential. On Jan. 21, the company put on a show titled “Recapture” at the Orem Public […]

“Move” executes a not-so-generic performance


February 1, 2010

schedule 2 min read

Many dance performances are so generic that when recounting the event it is difficult for audience members to recall what they’ve seen. This was absolutely not the case for last week’s performance by Vibe Productions titled “Move” and performed at Covey Center for the Arts. “Move” was a immensely exciting production, choreographed and performed by […]

International Student: Aliya Sultanova


February 1, 2010

schedule 3 min read

Stereotypes exist because of differences in race, religion, beliefs and age. These stereotypes are what make many people associate Muslims with terrorism. However, Aliya Sultanova from Kyrgyzstan who is here at UVU studying finance, feels that these stereotypes are incorrect and most people don’t see the good side of Muslims. “Not all Muslims are terrorists, […]

Local yoga studio-breathe, bend, be…humanitarian


February 1, 2010

schedule 3 min read

Moved by the recent devastation in Haiti, its increasing death toll and the widespread suffering. In an effort to aid the victims of this tragedy, It’s Yoga held a Haiti Earthquake Relief/ Red Cross Fundraiser on Jan. 23 through four yoga workshop classes. The studio, located in the Shops at Riverwoods in Provo, requested a […]

Events calendar


February 1, 2010

schedule 1 min read

Feb. 1: –  Morningstar Native American Dancers: Orem Public Library, free admission, 7 p.m. –  Hilary Demske Piano Recital: Ragan Theater, 7: 30 p.m. Feb. 2: –  UVU Faculty Woodwind Quartet Recital: Ragan Theater, 7:30 p.m. –  Movie night: “The Devil wears Prada,” Ballroom, free admission, 8 p.m. –  Groundhog 5K: Hall of Flags, $10 […]

State of the student: What Obama’s speech means for us


February 1, 2010

schedule 3 min read

Last Wednesday, as I was pouring myself a tall, pre-State of the Union club soda and lime, I wished that, just once, a sitting president would begin his annual address to their nation of constituents, especially in times as turbulent as these, with a po-faced “The state of the union is…SUCKY.” However, in lieu of […]

Response to vandalism


February 1, 2010

schedule 3 min read

I must preface this opinions piece by saying that I take full authorship of these comments and that they may not necessarily represent the whole of the Revolutionary Students Union. The RSU is a non-tendency club that welcome all tendencies of anti-capitalism, so I don’t speak for all of its members. The RSU is under […]