Why being a Wolverine is objectively better than being a Cougar


November 30, 2015

schedule 3 min read

The best and worst of being a student at UVU Over the last ten years, I have had solid experiences at most of the universities and colleges in the state, from enrollment to being a part of college student government. Through those experiences, I’ve been able to evaluate which schools are awesome, and which ones […]

Utah’s Stake in Multi-Level Marketing


November 30, 2015

schedule 4 min read

If you live in Utah, chances are you’ve been approached at least once by an Independent Business Owner (IBO), what most Multi-Level Marketing businesses (MLMs) call their social networkers. Jon Taylor of the Consumer Awareness Institute in Utah, disperses the truth about the density of MLMs in our state. He writes on his website, MLM-theTRUTH.com, […]

Being indispensable in the work place


November 16, 2015

schedule 3 min read

We live in a world of huge businesses and corporations that are changing rapidly and growing larger, and it all doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Our modern workforce has changed over the years and we have been trained into believing that the best way to earn a living is based off Seth Godin’s belief […]

Embrace the nuance


November 16, 2015

schedule 4 min read

The way the controversy involving the LDS handbook was framed, it’s understandable that people reacted to the news the way they did. Those who were outraged bring up legitimate points, but I can’t help but feel that the general public’s reaction was disproportionate to the news received. It’s nothing new that the LDS church doesn’t […]

Coming home to no home


November 16, 2015

schedule 3 min read

The Utah Valley housing crisis The LDS Church lowered the minimum age for missionary service October 2012 from 19 to 18 for men and from 21 to 19 for women. This resulted in a swift increase of missionaries from 58,990 at the time of the announcement to the current 85,147. The change certainly made ripples […]

Happy Valley Cuddles


November 9, 2015

schedule 3 min read

Being from Salt Lake and now living in Orem, I find that the stereotype of Utah County and Salt Lake County as completely different worlds has definitely proved itself true. For example, we did not have things like “Happy Valley Cuddles” in Salt Lake. Now, don’t get me wrong here, I had more NCMO’s than […]

Landlord or Slumlord?


November 9, 2015

schedule 4 min read

  When you move into a new place, there are certain expectations that you generally have: The place should be cleaned in advance, everything should be working properly, and it should, hopefully, be vacant before you get there. This is part of the contract you make with whichever apartment complex or landlord you give your […]

Mother knows breast


November 9, 2015

schedule 4 min read

Breastfeeding vs. Formula: a personal decision Madi Davis | Staff Writer Breastfeeding is a personal decision that shouldn’t concern anybody except for the expectant mother and her baby. Yet a majority of the time family, friends and even strangers will quickly volunteer their breastfeeding versus bottle-feeding opinions unprovoked, leaving the soon-to-be mother feeling guilty if […]

Back to the present: 3 Technologies from ‘Back to the Future’ that are currently in their infancy


November 2, 2015

schedule 4 min read

Sean Stoker | Opinions Editor | @theroyalthey In 1989 the classic Back to the Future series debuted its second installment, which featured an adventure to the distant and incomprehensible future: Oct. 21, 2015. Though Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale never intended to make accurate predictions of the future when writing the script—Gale even wanting to […]

Checking out the Library of Things


October 26, 2015

schedule 3 min read

Sean Stoker | Opinions Editor | @theroyalthey For thousands of years, libraries have purely been home to written materials and the bookworms who love them. However, as technology continues to make the written word and other media more accessible to a greater number of people, public libraries are rethinking their strategy when it comes providing […]