Who exactly is in charge at the White House?


November 25, 2013

schedule 5 min read

Harry Truman had a well-known saying:  “The buck stops here.” This phrase meant he took responsibility for everything that happened in his administration. President Obama also has a saying that he and his staff use often. This phrase is not always worded identically every time, but the idea is the same: the president had no […]

Embarrassment and Plan B pill


November 18, 2013

schedule 4 min read

By: Elin Trolläng, staff writer @ElinTrollang In the beginning of August the emergency contraceptive pill Plan B One Step became available to buy from the shelves in most pharmacy and grocery stores. The pill used to be behind the counter, so if you wanted to get it you had to go to the pharmacist and ask. […]

Thanksgiving: the speedbump to Christmas


November 18, 2013

schedule 3 min read

As soon as Halloween is over, if not sooner, stores are flooded with Christmas merchandise and promotions, which leaves Thanksgiving to be almost forgotten in the mix of holiday preparations. Over time, especially as the economy has grown progressively worse, Christmas products have come out earlier and earlier in the season. Black Friday used to […]

Oh, Bamacare


November 11, 2013

schedule 4 min read

By: Ryan Muir, Opinions writer, [email protected] The affordable care act has been available for program sign up since the first of October 2013. There are several methods for signing up for this new insurance. Participants can go to an on-site location, sign up online or fill out the paperwork themselves. All of these methods have […]

The grueling, slow lumber of the 2016 presidential races have begun.


November 11, 2013

schedule 3 min read

The 2016 presidential races have begun. So starts the grueling, slow lumber that leaves one contestant limping across finish line. I understand political races are inevitable, and they aren’t necessarily a bad thing. If you want people to vote for you, you need to convince them your policies and plans are viable. This entails a […]

Flu shots: the truth behind the myths


November 11, 2013

schedule 4 min read

There are a lot of misconceptions about the flu shot that keep people from getting the vaccine each year. Be informed before you make your decision. Influenza is not the same as the stomach flu or a bad cold. It is a respiratory virus and is not something you want to mess with. It will […]

Heads up: spoiler alert!


November 4, 2013

schedule 3 min read

Most movies nowadays hang on the ending. Whether it is a twist in the plot or whether a character dies or lives, it’s safe to say that no one is seeking to know how any type of media concludes. Certain iconic movies have twist endings that the public generally already knows. Unless you’ve been living […]

Maryville: rape, blame, justice and teens


November 2, 2013

schedule 4 min read

A 14-year-old girl was drugged and raped. This is the story of Maryville, Mo. sweeping the country. Protests have been held, the group Anonymous has threatened and petitions have been signed because of what happened in this small city in a flyover state. The lens is on Maryville not because of rape, but the subsequent […]

Fighting back


November 2, 2013

schedule 3 min read

The month of October wasn’t only for frights and scares but also served as breast cancer awareness month. The most common type of breast cancer is Ductal Carcinoma, an uncontrolled growth of cells within the breast ducts that can be invasive if not correctly treated when discovered. A symptom of Ductal Carcinoma is breast pain […]