Strange Brew


September 1, 2012

schedule 3 min read

Whether it’s a Kony 2012 campaign or Bieber fever, it can be very difficult to avoid getting swept up in a flurry of excitement and look for the truth amongst a pile of PR and half truths.   Utah Valley University business student, Kraig Jacobson has stepped in a heaping pile of Canadian cow pies […]

Trickle-up education: A letter from the editor


August 27, 2012

schedule 6 min read

Death, taxes and inflation. In this current economy, those three things are what we can all bank on and must be ready for. The biggest culprits aside from the Grim Reaper and the government (it can be hard to differentiate the two at times) are thought to be the demonized group of Bilderbergers that meet […]

Welcome back common sense, it’s been a while


August 27, 2012

schedule 5 min read

We may not be the person we want to be, but what we do determines who we are, whether we like it or not. Watching the Bunnel house be taken apart brick by brick has made me quite reflective. The house is old, unused and tiny. The new Student Life and Wellness building will be […]

Diversity is fun, seek it out


August 27, 2012

schedule 3 min read

You’re finally here, College. Ready for another four, or probably more, years of schooling. High School is behind you, and your future is bright and pretty shiny. You may have friends that made the journey with you, or you may not. Those of you that didn’t are the luckiest ones, becuase you’ll have a chance […]

Break your borders by studying abroad


August 27, 2012

schedule 5 min read

I recently returned from a trip that changed my life. I experienced a completely different side of the world I never before imagined. Prior to embarking on this particular trip, I enjoyed the familiarity of my American upbringing, accustomed to clean tap water and fast food. I took for granted the concept of freedom and […]

What UVU club to join


August 6, 2012

schedule 2 min read

There are many clubs at UVU, and students who join them have an enriched college experience.