Guns: Cause or Solution?


July 30, 2012

schedule 5 min read

The Colorado shooting that occurred at the final Batman movie premiere has many people debating the controversial issue of gun control. This argument suggests that having gun rights and ownership not only reduces crime, but in some cases stops it.

Ignorance is bliss, until you burn to the ground


July 16, 2012

schedule 7 min read

Our world is moving and changing so fast that you can barely get all the facts of a story before an even more sensational one hits the wire. It is very easy to wall yourself off and worry about the tree in front of you but it will become increasingly

A Dancer’s Backpack


July 13, 2012

schedule 2 min read

Dancers need a lot of things other students don’t while at school. What do dancers put in their bags? And how does it impact their dancing?

STAFF Infection


July 2, 2012

schedule 1 min read

“What would you say is worse than the construction on campus?”   The view from the AVC design labs.  Breathtaking. –Will King   The Holocaust. -Josh Wartena   The only thing worse than construction would be being a construction worker. –Emily Stephenson   Campus construction is like showing up late to help your friend move, only […]