They rocked it


November 22, 2010

schedule 1 min read

UVU’s Best Dance Crew, a school-wide competition based on MTV’s popular television show America’s Best Dance Crew, took place on Thursday, Nov. 18. The audience was delighted by the talented dance groups and their fantastic choreography. Kyle Reyes, assistant to President Holland was a judge, as well as two dance teachers.

Percussion goes unconventional


November 22, 2010

schedule 2 min read

The Music Department is presenting a performance by its talented Percussion Ensemble this week, directed by Dr. Darren Bastian, director of Percussion Studies. Percussion Ensemble will be performing on Monday, Nov. 22 in the Ragan Theater. This is Bastian?s ?rst semester working with the ensemble, as well as his ?rst concert with them. The name […]

International food war


November 22, 2010

schedule 1 min read

[monoslideshow id=18] The International Food Contest, part of UVU’s immense International Week, was held on Wednesday, Nov. 17. Ten groups of international students prepared dishes from their home countries and students were able to vote on their favorites. Not only was it fun, but also delicious.

Do your part and donate


November 22, 2010

schedule 1 min read

Most joke about being “poor starving students” at one point in their college years, but in reality, their facetious claims are usually far from the truth. Unfortunately, though, the starving student cliché isn’t completely false. There are students among us that are struggling to make do and might actually be starving, in one form or […]

À la mode


November 22, 2010

schedule 3 min read

Falling leaves, brisk wind and the first appearance of the Starbucks holiday cup brings the great anticipation of what I enjoy the most out of the holiday season: pie. There isn’t much more in the dessert world that makes you feel more at home than pie. I was raised in a home that had a […]

PRSSA turns students into professionals


November 22, 2010

schedule 2 min read

The Public Relations Student Society of America works to engage public relation students in many ways, including creating relationships and networks between students and professionals. Many members get expert experience that can lead to great opportunities outside of the club. Farah Chase-Dunn started this club to encourage students and give them an understanding of current […]

Diversity on Display


November 22, 2010

schedule 3 min read

UVU hosts incredible intercultural night On Monday, Nov. 15, the school played host to an intercultural night unlike any other. The event featured a wide variety of activities from authentic cuisine to dancing and dress, as well as many exciting opportunities to interact with foreign cultures. However, this night was not only about seeing what […]

All that jazz


November 22, 2010

schedule 1 min read

The Jazz Ensemble will be in concert on Tuesday, Nov. 23, at the Ragan Theater. Led by Dr. James Colonna, the director of bands at UVU, the ensemble is composed of 20 students who will be playing either trumpets, trombones or saxophones, as well as a rhythm section. Dr. Colonna, who has been ensemble director […]

‘Tis the season: Winter and its discontents


November 22, 2010

schedule 4 min read

As the winter of discontent begins, a front of depression sweeps across the populace. It’s December’s foggy freeze that shoulders the blame for the epidemic, but Jack Frost is wrongfully accused. What these huddled masses disregard or forget is that regardless of wind chill, snow pack or barometric pressure, life is always miserable. Seasonal depression […]

I told her I wouldn’t cut my culture


November 22, 2010

schedule 4 min read

Marketing Native Amercian culture is hypocritcal: Discriminatory policies at Deer Valley Resort as an example Jonathan Williams, a full-blooded Navajo student at UVU, met with Deer Valley Resort representatives with plenty of positive expectations for a career in hospitality. He was immediately disappointed and frustrated that Deer Valley would deny a male an internship based […]