UVUSA Recycling


August 31, 2009

schedule 3 min read

Mother Teresa said, “I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use.” The Utah Valley Student Association certainly agrees. Waste management is an issue facing our campus. As an institution, UVU is rapidly expanding with nearly 30,000 students enrolled.

The dead speak to illuminate an ancient culture


August 31, 2009

schedule 5 min read

Professor Haagen Klaus revolves a ceramic pot in his hands depicting the gruesome Moche sacrificial process of throat slitting, dripping blood and ritual imbibing. “Here is the sacrificial process in all of its brutal glory,” Klaus said. ” We aren’t sensationalizing ritual killing, but aiming to understand the people.

This article is not yet rated


August 31, 2009

schedule 7 min read

Those who have been in Utah valley for the past decade or so have heard in one way or another about edited movies. Often called “clean” or “moral” movies, they are meant to take the place of the alleged filth distributed by the Hollywood elite. Two local filmmakers decided to start filming the heyday that developed after filmmakers sued the companies that edited their films, and ended up with some impressive footage showcasing the rise and fall of the edited movie empire.

Amateur filming for dummies


August 31, 2009

schedule 2 min read

To modify a line from my old pal Shakespeare (he and I go way back), I’d like to begin my little piece here with a personal quote (we writers can do that) “All the world’s a studio and all the men and women are merely actors and actresses.” This little quote is becoming more and more of a reality in our lives, thanks to such modern phenomena as YouTube; pocket sized, High-Def video cameras and Taco Bell’s late night “Fourth Meal” option.

The valley guide


August 31, 2009

schedule 8 min read

Editor’s pick of the week: For a romantic experience, check out the Full Moon Lift Ride at Sundance Resort. The event will be held Sept. 3, 4, and 5 from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults, $6 for kids and children 5-years-old and under are free.

10 Family Films to watch


August 31, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Because your only source for wholesome entertainment came from Clean Flicks, Feature Films for Families can easily fill that void. Each mediocre production contains a moral lesson and has content safe for the whole family to watch together. Enjoy The V’s compilation of the ten best Feature Films for Families, based on their tag lines, because you know we have never seen this crap.

People to Know


August 31, 2009

schedule 1 min read

“Who is Alex Caldiero?” I’m asked. A better question might be, “How do you explain who is Alex Caldiero?” “The human element. Humanities — it means a synthesis of knowledge; it’s holistic. ‘Break on through to the other side.’ You can’t pay lip service to humanities by shrugging it off.



August 31, 2009

schedule 2 min read

UVU documentarians are making their mark in 2009. In the weeks and months to come, we have several documentaries from current and former students to look forward to. Here are two to keep your eye on. The Sonosopher Filmmakers Travis Low and Torben Bernhard paint a portrait of the life, the art and the sound of Alex Caldiero, UVU’s Artist in Residence and self-termed Sonosopher.

The CleanFlicks Treatment


August 31, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Andrew and Josh’s film chronicles the rise and fall of the CleanFlicks empire. But it’s a real shame CleanFlicks is not around anymore, because we still need them. There are plenty of movies that could use the CleanFlicks technique to make them morally suitable for viewing.