Minority students get involved with UVU Hospitality


August 3, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Latino high school students from the Wasatch area have the opportunity to attend concurrent enrollment courses in hospitality offered by the Wasatch Campus Hospitality Leaders of Tomorrow to help stimulate the economy of Park City. The program is designed to help eligible students gain vocational training in the field of hospitality and earn six college credits over the five-week course.

Students express their feelings on kissing protest


August 3, 2009

schedule 3 min read

UVU students joined in one of many protests on Sun. July 19 in response to the citation of two men kissing on LDS Church property at the beginning of the month. According to a statement released by the church on the matter, Derek Jones and Matt Aune were detained by LDS security guards for “engaging in inappropriate behavior,” and then cited for trespassing by Salt Lake police on July 8.

Utah Student 25 looking for student entrepreneurs


August 3, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Academic and corporate leaders met in the beginning of July to launch Utah Student 25 to recognize the 25 fastest-growing student businesses in the state of Utah. Utah Student 25 is an awards program designed to celebrate the achievements of student entrepreneurs, the businesses they have created, and their economic impact.

Wilson Sorenson, second president of UVU, passes away at 92


August 3, 2009

schedule 3 min read

[note of print publication to readers of this story — due to publication deadlines, the Wilson Sorenson announcement and tribute will be featured in the first issue of the fall semester, on stands Aug. 24]

Wilson Sorenson, former president of UVU, has passed away at 92, a few days before his 93rd birthday.

Crook books


August 3, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Ulysses by James Joyce Although Ulysses is often thought to be the best novel of the 20th century, it was seen as obscene and banned from the United States for 15 years. Since the lifting of the ban in 1933, people have had easy access to the massive Modernist masterpiece that is Ulysses.

Choose the used


August 3, 2009

schedule 2 min read

There’s something perfectly pungent about a used bookstore. That combination of dust, history and shelves has a sort of aroma bordering aphrodisiac. Some books carry a few generation’s worth of acid-free paper, carbon-dating the literacy of former owners only according to a body’s natural oils mixed with the subtle impressions of many fingers swabbed by the tongue to turn page corners.

Oh comic’s, comic’s, how far you’ve come.


August 3, 2009

schedule 3 min read

Comic books have had a bad rap in the past. Viewed exclusively as the medium for young, male nerds, geeks and fan boys, comics have not been taken seriously as an art form or as respectable literature. We need not look any further than The Big Bang Theory for familiar stereotypes.

The Gods Must be Crazy: Confessions of a Comic Book Fan


August 3, 2009

schedule 4 min read

It’s almost 5 AM and I’ve been up all night reading. The Green Arrow is explaining to his girlfriend, the Black Canary, why he must stay behind and sacrifice his life to save some survivors of the latest threat to all life in the universe: Anti-Life. “I can’t lose you,” she breathes, raising her hand to the glass window.

A pioneer in books


August 3, 2009

schedule 5 min read

Richard Horsley runs Pioneer Book in Provo, which has bought and sold books for almost 30 years. The store has an extensive collection of used books, including college textbooks. How did Pioneer Book start? It started in September of 1980, so it will be 30 years here pretty soon.

Stuff to Do August 3-16


August 3, 2009

schedule 9 min read

As summer winds down, each student should ask them self one question: “have I done anything fun this summer?” If the answer is “no,” this list will provide you with many opportunities to get in that last bit of entertainment before the new semester begins.