
Are you going to Opt in?

Emergencies — whether they are drills or the real thing — can cause mass hysteria in an uninformed campus. A new service at UVU has been implemented in an attempt to prevent these types of preventable stress. With the new service called Opt in, students, faculty and staff can sign up for text message notifications in cases of emergency.

Reyes set to be the glue of campus

Kyle Reyes has accepted the position as Director of Student Success and Retention. Reyes moves into his new position enthusiastically, though with tongue-in-cheek analysis he says, “My job really shouldn’t exist.” His reasoning is that every office around campus does a fine job specializing in its particular facet; each office supporting every aspect along each student’s educational pathway.

Ethics Fellow to Publish Book on Research

Ethics Fellow Dr. Ruhul H. Kuddus has proposed a book which will present the findings of his research and explain how the different research he will do is interconnected. Kuddus is the newest UVU professor to receive the position as the University Faculty Fellow in Ethics and has received a $7,000 grant in the hopes that his publication will contribute to the UVU community and ethical world research.

Who Gives a Shift: Why Change Behaviors?

The house of representatives passed the climate change bill last week, and I am very upset about it. Come on, people, this passes now? Now is not the time to start caring about the environment. It’s already over. We’re screwed. The end is extremely nigh. Just try to stay gluttonous, while the gluttony’s good, that’s what I say.

8 habits of highly efficient people

Penniless college students can’t necessarily run out and buy a Prius, nor can they plan intricate environmental revolutions with their time-strapped schedules, but there are plenty of inexpensive and small steps students can take to go green. Here are eight ways you can make a difference today: 1.

The Valley Guide

Looking for stuff to do? Well, this is the list for you! It’s a breakdown of day-by-day events to experience right here in Utah Valley. It includes things to do with a date, with your parents, or even by yourself. Events Calendar July 6-18 Music July 6: Free Open Mic Night – 8 p.

Ready to meat your maker

A friend of mine recently said, “It’s hard to become a vegan within a decade of eating at Tucano’s.” But during this ecologically fragile time in which we live, it’s hard not to become a vegan (or at least a vegetarian) when you come to realize just how much animal products negatively effect the environment.

Kelly Clarkson performs at UVUphoria

Former American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson performs barefoot at UVUphoria on June 11, 2009. Her crowd-pleasing favorites were a hit that engaged the crowd, which included recently appointed UVU president Matthew Holland and family.

Vocal competition showcases local talent at the SCERA

It’s time for the fourth annual Celebrity vocal competition at the SCERA Shell Outdoor Theatre. This Utah County tradition is performed prior to outdoor movies shown all summer long and is a great opportunity for Utah vocalists to shine. Competitors perform to live music by This Is Your Band, a Salt Lake based karaoke band.

Going Downtown with The Vibrant Sound

Northplatte Records, the label of local favorites such as RuRu, Desert Noises, and Joshua James, recently signed another band: The Vibrant Sound. Their fresh and catchy tunes will have the audience dancing at the Velour during their CD release party on June 27 at 8:00 p.