Celebrating unique field station


February 16, 2009

schedule 2 min read

The Capital Reef Field Station, an eight year-long project completed last October, will be recognized in a celebration held at Center Stage in the Sorensen Student Center Thursday, Feb. 19 at 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Alongside giveaways and a performance commemorating the field station completion, the celebration will also provide opportunities and information for students to become involved.

Institute’s Friday’s devotionals open to all


February 16, 2009

schedule 1 min read

The LDS Orem Institute of Religion adjacent to the UVU Campus holds weekly Friday devotionals at noon where students gather in the North Chapel to hear messages of inspiration. Every Friday devotional is open to all UVU students, faculty, and staff, as well as anyone else who would like to attend.

Interfaith Student Association brings diversity to campus


February 16, 2009

schedule 3 min read

Students at Utah Valley University may easily assume that their neighbors in class or fellow group members share their same religious faith. Let’s be honest, they are probably right. However, just because this area is partially defined by a homogeneous religious environment doesn’t mean that people shouldn’t experience what isn’t familiar.

Kickboxing champion studying at UVU


February 16, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Kickboxing champion of Central Asia, Azamat Umarzoda of Tajikistan, is now one of the newest members of Utah Valley University’s student body. Umarzoda, who transferred to UVU this semester, is currently studying ESL at UVU and training in Orem for his next kickboxing competition.

The week of love


February 9, 2009

schedule 1 min read

Valentine’s day is coming up on Saturday, and until then students are sure to be bombarded from every avenue with hearts, naked babies with wings, chocolate, and flowers. For some, this week is an ethereal time, devoted to love. And you know we love love. For others, Valentine’s day is just a reminder that you’re alone, with happy couples shoving their collective joy in your forsaken face.

Say it with flowers


February 9, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Nothing says “I love you” or “I care about you” like a copious bouquet of flowers – especially around Valentine’s Day. If you decide to give flowers to a loved one this holiday, be sure to not be one of those last minute buyers waiting in line at the flower shop, scrambling to procure the leftovers.

Embrace your inner killjoy


February 9, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Unrequited or otherwise, we victims of love are much maligned. For malcontents and those who prefer doing more than sitting at home complaining about being single, here are some ideas to find contentment on a day when lovers remind us that we don’t have it.

How to Transition


February 9, 2009

schedule 3 min read

Relationships are tricky. There are ups and downs are expected and sometimes relationships move into different stages. Taking the plunge requires a transition period, as does the ending of a long-term relationship. Jennie Nicholls takes you through the process of change from being single to getting engaged and Dave Iba recounts the steps to reviving yourself in case your marriage turns sour.

Get pretty fast


February 9, 2009

schedule 2 min read

It’s probably happened to you before, after a long day at school and/or work, you get home to realize that you only have ten minutes to prepare for that big date. Panic sets in, logic takes a back seat, and you’re insecure for the rest of the night. Here’s how to get pretty for a date without the hysteria.

The Friend Crush


February 9, 2009

schedule 2 min read

It is hard to imagine life without a good, dear friend. You feel jealous when they go on dates. You’re oversensitive because they are seeing a jerk. Your feelings grow into feelings of attraction. You start desire for something more than friendship. These describe when your relationship may have developed into a “friend crush.