University in trouble


January 12, 2009

schedule 5 min read

Increased tuition, less faculty and decreased funding are a few of the concerns going through many minds at UVU because of the unstable economy resulting in budget cuts at UVU. These are speculative concerns until the Utah State Legislature meets for its general session, slated to begin Jan.

News briefs


January 12, 2009

schedule 5 min read

National News Briefs STUDY FINDS ALZHEIMER’S DRUGS INCREASE DEATH RISK – A new study has shown that Antipsychotic drugs commonly used to treat Alzheimer’s have been shown to double the death risk in patients. The study involved 165 patients suffering from Alzheimer’s who were prescribed antipsychotic medication.

Masterminds: Learning leadership


January 12, 2009

schedule 2 min read

For UVU students looking for chances at leadership, the Center for the Advancement of Leadership (CAL) provides the opportunities to do so. CAL, directed by Dr. Bruce Jackson, is a leading organization in the study of youth and adult leadership development.

Falling Behind on Credit Cards


January 12, 2009

schedule 3 min read

As great as a tool a credit card may be, sometimes people find themselves in over their head with debt incurred from its use. When someone falls behind on a credit card, a few things can happen. First, there is almost always a late fee added to the balance, usually ranging from $15 to $50 depending on the balance and company.

Discrimination on campus


January 12, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Racial discrimination is an issue that’s been seen recently on campus. Gwen Anderson, director of the Multicultural Center, believes that although some racial discrimination occurs, UVU is still a safe place for students of different ethnicities. “We need to learn to be color wise, not color blind,” said Gwen Anderson, director of the Multicultural Center.

Winter food drive success


January 12, 2009

schedule 1 min read

With more than 3,500 pounds of food donated from UVU students, the UVU Service Council considers its winter food drive a success. “We completely underestimated the generosity of UVU students,” said Rich Doxey of the UVU Service Council. “Even though the economy has struggled, students were still willing to give.

Afghanistan counselor visits campus


January 5, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Speaking on the topic of the current state of his home country Afghanistan, M. Ashraf Haidari addressed a crowded auditorium at the end of fall semester. Haidari is the counselor for political, security and development affairs at the Afghanistan embassy in Washington, D.

Alumni awarded during homecoming week


January 5, 2009

schedule 2 min read

The 2008 UVU Alumni Awards took place during homecoming week and recognized seven nominated individuals who have continually supported UVU. “It’s a privilege to be able to honor these great individuals who have spent so much time and influence making a difference at the university,” said Jeri Allphin, director of the UVU Alumni Association.

News briefs


January 5, 2009

schedule 4 min read

CAMPUS BRIEFS CARNEGIE ACKNOWLEDGES COMMUNITY ENGAGED UVU – The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has selected Utah Valley University as one of the newest members of its “community-engaged” classification. This classification is presented only to a fraction of universities and shows a direct reflection on the school’s involvement in and support of its community.

What every freshmen should know


January 5, 2009

schedule 3 min read

There are a lot of important things many new students don’t know when they start their first semester of college. These tips can make a first semester a great semester for a new student. One stop is a huge help for students and can cover a lot of things at once.