Season of scarves


December 8, 2008

schedule 3 min read

Scarves are the easiest way to accessorize. Take a long strip of fabric of any kind, wrap it around your neck in any of various ways, and you’ve pulled together your outfit. One of the best things about scarves is that with basic skills and a bit of patience, you can most likely make a scarf that will fit your needs exactly.

Wolverines celebrate homecoming week


December 8, 2008

schedule 3 min read

Last week, the UVU community celebrated its first homecoming as a university. Some of the festivities included a T-shirt swap, a dodge ball tournament, a polar bear swim, the True Wolverine Bonfire and the main event: the UVU men’s basketball team playing the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Afghanistan ambassador to enlighten UVU


December 8, 2008

schedule 2 min read

UVU has invited Said T. Jawad, Ambassador of Afghanistan to the United States, to campus to discuss his country’s development and its most pressing challenges, including security and the relationship between the new U.S. administration and President Hamid Karzai.

Animal Allies Club


December 8, 2008

schedule 2 min read

In a recent meeting held by UVU’s Animal Allies Club, members discussed plans to create a movement to inhibit the use of a gas chamber as an alternative to euthanasia for unwanted or sick animals. Such a method of disposal was abhorrent in the eyes of members as those who are animal lovers.

UVU takes the full brunt of budget cuts


December 8, 2008

schedule 3 min read

The university is taking the full brunt of the budget cuts, sparing the students with minimal discomfort. The Utah State Legislature called into a special session last September enacted a immediate four percent budget cut to all Utah System of Higher Education colleges.

News briefs


December 8, 2008

schedule 6 min read

Campus News: KURT BESTOR TO PERFORM CHRISTMAS CONCERT AT UVU – With Christmas around the corner, Kurt Bestor, a Utah-based composer and performer, will be performing his fourth annual Christmas concert Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. in the McKay Events Center. The concert will recognize local cancer survivors of Central Utah Cancer Center and raise funds for UVU student scholarships.

Students take advantage of free car care clinic


December 8, 2008

schedule 2 min read

Hoping that students and community members would become more aware of their car care needs, the UVU automotive department hosted its third annual car care clinic Thursday Nov. 21. Students, faculty and community member were invited to bring their cars to the Sparks automotive building to have their cars inspected.

Learning is like getting a tattoo


December 8, 2008

schedule 2 min read

People come from all over the world to visit Utah. Some for its natural surroundings, hiking, rock climbing, and some for the culture and aspects of a religion that dominate the area and its inhabitants. Professor David Scott, however, has come with the hope to challenge young minds and give “sheltered Utah County” a taste of the real world.

PBA Conversations


December 8, 2008

schedule 2 min read

For the past five years an evaluation of the school and conversations about planning, budgeting, and accountability (PBA) have occurred. According to the PBA Guidebook, “All divisions, schools, colleges, and departments (units) are charged to annually review and update plans, develop initiates for the next one to three years, and assess activities of the past year.

Watch for phishing schemes


December 8, 2008

schedule 3 min read

Information is valuable. Personal information such as bank account numbers, usernames and passwords, and Social Security numbers are especially valuable to those who would exploit them. There are many tactics and tricks used to gain access to personal information, one of which is phishing.