Editorial: Concealed weapons pose a threat to campus


October 5, 2009

schedule 3 min read

The College Republicans are hosting fundraisers Oct. 7-8 in which club members and guests will pay to be guided through the process of gaining a concealed weapons permit. Trainers certified by the NRA will take those who sign up through the entire process, save only licking the stamp and mailing off the papers. The UVU […]

The reels of misfortune


October 5, 2009

schedule 3 min read

The UVU Cinema Club will be showing Slumdog Millionaire this Thursday as part of its International Film series. In case you missed the hullabaloo, it won eight Oscars, including Best Picture, and received mostly glowing reviews from almost everyone who saw it. Well — almost everyone. When I walked out of the theater with friends, […]

A little too basic


October 5, 2009

schedule 3 min read

When asked to describe his political philosophy, mayoral candidate, Steve Clark keeps it pretty basic. “I’m a conservative Republican. I stand for strong family values, traditional values. I have a great desire to help Provo.” A little too basic. Asking a Republican candidate if he stands for traditional family values is like asking Dracula if […]

Correctionary: Inaguration


October 5, 2009

schedule 3 min read

If you don’t know about what’s happening this week, it probably means you haven’t visited the school’s Web site, walked the halls, or used a campus restroom for a couple of weeks now. We will be celebrating the inauguration of the eminent Matthew S. Holland as the newest president of UVU. Why we are celebrating […]

Unsolicited dating advice – Commitment phobia


October 5, 2009

schedule 4 min read

Are you scared of commitment? Do you have “something-better-might-come-along syndrome”? You desperately want a relationship, but every time you let someone get close enough that you might have to Define The Relationship (DTR), you wig out and run the other way faster than a BYU student at a party that serves alcohol. It’s time to […]

No football


October 5, 2009

schedule 3 min read

“Seriously? They really want to have a football team here?” was my initial response when someone pointed out to me the possibility of such a thing occurring. I was frankly amazed. Of course, you’re about to get an earful from me about why such an idea is…well I’ll be kind and just say bad. It’s […]

Major awesome


October 5, 2009

schedule 3 min read

I have a confession: I am a Communication major, emphasizing in journalism. Yes, journalism is a dying industry and yes, there are only about 12 of us actually on the journalism track; however, my experience with the Department of Communication has been nothing but stellar, aside from being the minority in a major overrun by […]

Major dilemma


October 5, 2009

schedule 3 min read

Lights, camera … unfortunately, for those students studying Broadcast Journalism, there isn’t any action. In fact, there aren’t any lights or cameras. The curriculum that once existed for the broadcasting program will not be offered this semester, leaving some angry and disappointed students. Former student in the program Lindsay Johnson said, “I’m doing an internship […]

Sketch: The healing power of art


October 5, 2009

schedule 2 min read

Sketch This week, the expert input comes from over 900 shirts. The Clothesline Project, which displays T-shirts made by and in honor of victims of violence and abuse, was displayed at UVU last week. While the shirts do display horrific amounts of pain, they also bear witness to the powerful effects of healing. “A lot […]

Eating at In ‘N Out Doesn’t Make You a Californian


October 5, 2009

schedule 3 min read

Hey buddy, Jonny Poole here. Just wanted to drop a quick line to you and all the other Utah natives out there so that there’s no confusion in the upcoming months. See, now that In ‘N Out Burger is officially constructing locations in Utah, I know it must be tough to remember that you’re not […]