Marrying Too Early


September 7, 2015

schedule 3 min read

Elizabeth Suggs Everyone talks about it. Once high school’s out and college starts up, there’s always someone new getting married. These are fresh adults. They want to do the best adult thing: Marriage. Why do this to yourself? Why risk a divorce? Why not wait? For those affiliated with a religion that preaches abstinence before marriage: I […]

The Value of “Meh”


August 31, 2015

schedule 3 min read

My uncomfortable seat on the fence. Sean Stoker | Opinions Editor   Obvious statement of the day: Life is full of complexity. It surprises me to no end when I see how able some people are to throw their whole being into a political ideology, because most political ideologies that I encounter are so polarized, both […]

It’s On Us to Stop Sexual Harassment and Violence


August 24, 2015

schedule 4 min read

The following is an Op-Ed by Melissa Frost, UVU’s Title IX Coordinator UVU is proud to participate in the It’s On Us campaign to end sexual harassment and sexual violence. National statistics show that one in four women and one in sixteen men will experience some form of unwanted sexual contact. While we are a […]

Chasing vs. Persistence


August 24, 2015

schedule 5 min read

How to navigate the twists and turns of seemingly contradictory advice. Those of us who are single and looking receive more dating advice than we know what to do with. While much of the advice we get stands up to scrutiny, some of it is just counterproductive. It’s usually easy to ferret out which nuggets […]

Will Sweat for Free | Letter to the Editor


August 19, 2015

schedule 1 min read

Recently the Student Life and Wellness Center raised their minimum number of credits to have free access to the facilities to be 10 credit hours. This makes sense during the normal school year but during the summer when the classes are shortened and 6 credits feels like a full-load I find this odd. The other […]

Shaming as a Parenting Tool


August 19, 2015

schedule 3 min read

Christian Ledek | @sea_led | Staff Writer It’s becoming more common for parents to publicly humiliate their kids on social media to teach them a lesson or sometimes just for kicks. A 13-year-old girl took her own life a little while ago, possibly in part because her dad cut her hair off and uploaded a […]

Outside Looking In


August 19, 2015

schedule 5 min read

Feeling weird today. Was it something I ate? No. You’re just a filthy irredeemable piece of garbage. You’ve done something awful and now you’re feeling guilty. What did I do? Everything. I’m trying my best! Yeah, right. What about that awful, violent daydream you had earlier? That was just a random thought! Everyone has those! Plus, I didn’t […]

Politics Shmolitics


August 4, 2015

schedule 3 min read

Carrie Laudie | Editor-in-chief It would seem that every few days a new Presidential hopeful comes out of nowhere and throws their hat in the ring. Whether this represents absolute chaos or the beauty of democracy is really hard to tell. The worst sides of the candidates have been exposed early on in the race. With the buffoonery of Donald […]

Millenials: The Independent Divide


August 4, 2015

schedule 3 min read

Jared Stirland | Assistant Lifestyle Editor The world is changing. The Millennial Generation is rising, which The Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies defines as anyone born between the years 1985-2004. This is the future generation of political, education, business and religious leaders. With the 2016 presidential race right around the corner, it leaves questions about the voting patterns […]

Resumes, Rah-Rahs, and the Rareness of Food


August 4, 2015

schedule 3 min read

Format matters I work at a large, local employer and have received and reviewed multiple UVU business school resumes for openings at my company. As a local with strong UVU ties I want to give priority to UVU candidates but have been somewhat disappointed with the formatting of resumes and the associated perceived quality of the candidates. Recently I took […]