Keep UVU unique and open


April 21, 2014

schedule 4 min read

It’s difficult to succeed if no one will give you the chance. This basically sums up my feelings about UVU’s open admissions. UVU is in a unique situation. We are sandwiched between three major universities: BYU, the University of Utah, and Utah State. All of them have their strengths and particular cultures but nothing like […]

Just walking away


April 19, 2014

schedule 3 min read

Illustration by Trevor Robertson Graduation ceremonies bore me to tears. I have sat through my two older brothers’ college graduations, my oldest brother twice for his Bachelors and Masters degrees. Every single time I would promise myself, and my poor family, that I would not walk at graduation. I’m not much for tradition. Most of […]

Walk this way


April 19, 2014

schedule 4 min read

Barbara Finlinson, Staff Writer @bubblestweets It’s time. Excitement and preparation can be seen all over campus. Graduation is in the air and so is pomp and circumstance. Tis’ the season for square cardboard hats, baggy gowns, tassel turning and extremely long ceremonies. Take a minute to picture the moment: You’ll feel great as you walk […]

Avoid disaster by closing admissions


April 19, 2014

schedule 3 min read

Illustration by Trevor Robertson As UVU rounds the corner of its 75th anniversary, it may be time to rethink the open admissions policy. Despite being one of the most underfunded universities in the state, the university continues to embrace a boundless policy of admittance. In 2011, UVU imposed enrollment standards for the first time, requiring […]

R-rated movies for everyone


April 18, 2014

schedule 3 min read

I recently watched “12 Years a Slave.” It was violent, graphic and filled with language that may be argued as offensive. It was also incredibly moving, beautiful and transformative. I was speaking with a friend about the movie and how some scenes made me turn away and wince. She asked me if I felt more […]

R rated movies – how are they affecting us?


April 18, 2014

schedule 3 min read

Jarom Carlson, Staff writer [email protected] Photo credit: Laura Fox Imagine for a moment: The lights dim, silence falls upon the crowd, and there you are with your coke and popcorn. Yes, that’s right – you’re at the movies, and the shows about to start. However, this isn’t just any normal film. Growing up in a […]

The haunting norm of police brutality


April 14, 2014

schedule 4 min read

I’m driving down I-15 and catch a glimpse of a police vehicle parked on the side of the road. My heart rate goes up. I check my speed. I involuntarily push the brakes out of pure instinct. I then realize I was on cruise control at exactly the speed limit. So, what am I so […]

The culture of pseudo-communication


April 7, 2014

schedule 3 min read

Even more annoying than the oblivious herd of college students taking up the hallway is the lone student, walking as slow as molasses, neck craned down to stare at her phone and text. Or Facebook, or Instagraming a picture of her feet. It’s more annoying because at least those large clogs of students are actually […]

Protests at Temple Square


April 7, 2014

schedule 4 min read

Photo credit: Huffington Post The Ordain Women movement is planning to collect their efforts to be heard at this April’s LDS General Conference. One way they are trying to be heard is by getting seated at the Priesthood session. In recent years, when technology and resources would allow, this session is held privately at the […]