Sochi: no gays allowed


February 8, 2014

schedule 3 min read

By Michael Houck With the 2014 Winter Olympic Games starting February 7 in Sochi, Russia, the whole world is waiting in anticipation of great sportsmanship from all of the athletes attending. But these games are becoming one of the most controversial Olympic games. One of the main issues getting the most attention from the media is […]

Waking up from Zion


February 4, 2014

schedule 10 min read

Joshua Wartena, Opinions Writer, [email protected]   I followed the barefoot boy down the dirt road. He was pulling a wooden cart with a bag of rotten meat and fat. “Ya llegamos,” he said. We’re almost there. “Good,” I replied. “It’s hot.” I’d been in Argentina for a month and was optimistic. They’d told me I […]

Behind the Zion Curtain


February 4, 2014

schedule 3 min read

Kate Ayer, staff writer   Utah’s Legislature is taking on the liberalization of liquor laws—again. And the LDS Church made it clear—again—that it is strongly opposed to the amendments, which propose increasing the number of liquor licenses, privatizing liquor sales, demolishing the “Zion Curtain” and removing the “intent to dine” requirement.   These proposed amendments […]

Fanboyism is geek culture poison


February 4, 2014

schedule 4 min read

Jimmy Hall, Assistant Opinions Editor @Jimmyrhall   Being a fan isn’t bad. There isn’t any shame in being passionate and enthusiastic about your chosen medium. This is the essence of being a geek and geek, especially today, is cool. Comic-Con revels in and thrives off of it.   What is bad is when this phenomenon […]

The blackfish debate


February 4, 2014

schedule 4 min read

Brittany M. Plothow, Opinions Editor @brittanyplo When I was a little girl, I had an intense love for marine animals. If someone asked a much younger me what she wanted to be when she grew up, she would have said, with intense passion, “a marine biologist!” My dream was to work at Sea World as […]

So, USA: It’s alright, Ma (We’re only spying)


January 27, 2014

schedule 5 min read

So, USA, John Boehner—you know, the Republican House Speaker from Ohio— appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Thursday January 23 because, apparently, we hadn’t already bled the lines between celebrity and professional politician enough. Despite Boehner playing it cool and shooting off one-liners explaining that Leno has been begging him to come […]

Favoritism in the workplace


January 27, 2014

schedule 3 min read

Samantha Ghan, Staff Writer [email protected]   Favoritism is when you, a hard worker, are passed over for a position and someone else gets the job who is not as hard of a worker as you or who just doesn’t qualify for the position. This happened to my friend Danielle. Danielle was a hard worker. She […]

Highway to the danger zone


January 27, 2014

schedule 4 min read

I don’t know if it’s the commonly accepted norm or the busy culture of Utah, or if it’s something in the air, but I’ve noticed that Utah drivers are awful. After a little bit of research, I found Utah is near the top of some of the “safest drivers” lists. I don’t know how or […]

The ugly face of anonymity


January 27, 2014

schedule 3 min read

Behind the computer screen, mouse in hand, we all feel safe. Without face-to-face interaction, there’s no fear of retribution or need for justification. Things said—or rather, “typed”—online are available for view at all hours of the day for the entire world. Even when deleted, online comments can be found by almost anyone. Some have lost […]

And the winner is… doesn’t matter


January 27, 2014

schedule 5 min read

I love movies. I love seeing incredible movies get the recognition that they deserve. I get giddy when the nominations for the Oscars come out early in the morning and even more excited when my favorite movies get recognized on the list. But you know what I don’t love? At the end of the day, […]