Utah Style BBQ: 5 Star or bust


April 12, 2013

schedule 3 min read

Utah Style BBQ: 5 Star or bust Dave’s Story WHEN BLAKE TOLD me that there was a decent barbecue joint in Orem, I was a little wary. Utah isn’t known for its barbecue. On second thought, Utah isn’t really known for anything food-wise worthy of mention (I’m calling you out, Jell-O salad). JT, founder of […]

UVU Review leads to internship


April 8, 2013

schedule 2 min read

Who knew that my Twitter account would lead me to my dream internship? Not me. After working for a year at the UVU Review I had made myself an online website for all of my articles. I linked my website to my Twitter page and to my surprise, I was sent an email from the […]

Media’s role in rape culture


April 8, 2013

schedule 3 min read

A month after two Ohio teen boys were found guilty of raping an incapacitated 16-year-old girl last August, the headlines are still sickening: “Gang rape by football stars in Steubenville, Ohio,” “Disturbing video leaked of Ohio high school students joking about alleged gang rape,” “Rape charges against high school players divide football town.”   Aside […]

Welcome to the new Freak Show


April 8, 2013

schedule 4 min read

I’m sure everyone remembers going to the fair as a child. Walking down the midway, seeing the myriad games and rides of excitement and fun. Slowing your pace as you try to sneak a peek at the freak shows, wondering what kind of monstrosity lies on the other side of the curtain or wall. If […]

Racing by or Step-by-step


April 8, 2013

schedule 4 min read

College seems to take over our lives sometimes. It goes on for years and seems to never have a light at the end of the tunnel. Adding other factors like work, a social life and just trying to stay sane just makes college seem even longer. When students change their major or take fewer credits […]

LGBTs await SCOTUS DOMA decision


April 8, 2013

schedule 5 min read

The conservative right against the liberal left once again. “Judge not, lest ye be judged,” Matthew 7:1. The score is most likely 4 – 4. All tied up. It seems to always come down to the final vote. This is the American way. Never agreeing on anything. Always fighting, never compromising. At least this isn’t […]

UVU Review leads to internship


April 8, 2013

schedule 2 min read

Sorry teachers and advisors, but it’s true. Words and lectures are meaningless unless what is taught translates into the real-world. As the former Editor-in-Chief, I learned by getting my hands dirty and jumping in head-first. I was recruited out of an english class by the sports editor a couple years ago and as I threw […]

Good music, bad music


April 1, 2013

schedule 4 min read

Popular music has never made too much sense to me. I have been told more times than I can count that my music is weird, or that I have eclectic tastes in regards to what I fill my ears with. I have chosen to ignore these claims based on one simple thought: I rather enjoy […]

Get out of here


April 1, 2013

schedule 4 min read

You can’t just stay here all your life. You can, but it won’t do you any good. Why would you want to stay here anyway? Sure, there are plenty of attractive young single people like you, but those will be here forever. You can also find them all over the world. So don’t use that […]

Tell us about your experiences


April 1, 2013

schedule 2 min read

Things are disappearing The mail will eventually stop showing up on Saturday. You can blame it on the government, but it really isn’t. People just don’t send stuff through the postal service anymore. Technology has taken away most of its customers. This is the way things are. The world is changing. Many things we knew […]