Is college a waste of time?


July 2, 2012

schedule 4 min read

I had a debate with a friend recently. The topic in question was whether a college degree is valid or necessary in today’s society. The friend argued that employers aren’t interested in a diploma as much as they are experience. My friend hasn’t gone to college, and he landed an amazing job as a film […]

A teaspoon of immigration reform ­­Obama style


July 2, 2012

schedule 6 min read

Election time is coming up, and how can you tell? New policies and viewpoints are in the air and President Obama is putting up a fight to keep his presidency by making some huge statements. Of all the issues, Obama’s attention to immigration speaks to me the most.  In a previous article, I wrote about […]

New Construction An Unnecessary Nightmare


July 2, 2012

schedule 4 min read

I wish the planners for the new construction on campus were as good at layout as they are good at being sneaky. Not a single student I’ve spoken with had any idea that, as soon as traffic let up through the new science building, nearly the entirety of campus would quickly thereafter be blocked off. […]

Responibility key during fire season


June 18, 2012

schedule 5 min read

Enjoy your trip to the lake, spend nights beneath the stars, but check with your local fire department before you make a campfire. This summer came earlier than the last, and the consequences of a dry winter are already visible. Many counties in Utah have already prohibited fires and fireworks because of the strong winds, […]

News Blurbs State, National, and World


June 18, 2012

schedule 2 min read

World News Dateline Ethiopia No Skype for you! New legislation in Ethiopia forbids the use of internet-based phone calls with offenses punishable with large fines and up to 15 years in prison. This change in online communication comes in the name of national security with fringe benefits including a revenue boost to State-run Ethio-Telecom. National […]

Classroom tech: Wikipedia


June 18, 2012

schedule 4 min read

We all know that the best way to do research is to just find it on the Internet. Well, not the best, the easiest. Google and Wikipedia have changed the landscape of research papers, making them much easier, but maybe not much better. So in taking a look at Wikipedia, it’s important to learn where […]

Welcome back common sense, it’s been a while


June 18, 2012

schedule 6 min read

We may not be the person we want to be, but what we do determines who we are, whether we like it or not.   Watching the Bunnel house be taken apart brick by brick has made me quite reflective. The house is old, unused and tiny. The new Student Life and Wellness building will […]

Are your poor grades your professor’s fault?


June 4, 2012

schedule 5 min read

Everyone wants someone else to blame when things in life don’t go the way they want, but with school, how can you know when you should have worked harder for your grades or when your grade was limited by your professor’s teaching methods? Many professors are difficult and get a reputation for teaching hard classes, […]

Trickle-up education: A letter from the editor


June 4, 2012

schedule 6 min read

    Death, taxes and inflation.   In this current economy, those three things are what we can all bank on and must be ready for. The biggest culprits aside from the Grim Reaper and the government (it can be hard to differentiate the two at times) are thought to be the demonized group of […]

Classroom Tech: Facebook


June 4, 2012

schedule 5 min read

If there were one experience from my time here at UVU, it would be when I took the opportunity to talk about a random quote in a speech class. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Arthur C. Clarke said that, and it has stayed with me for years. I stood at the front […]