Cover art: Green curtains frame the image with a wolverine wearing a silver monocle in the center. Above the wolverine reads the text "The cultured wolverine"

The Cultured Wolverine | Season 1: Episode 7 | Trendy Times


October 14, 2022

schedule 1 min read

Hello everyone! This week, Meg sits down with Gentry to discuss fashion. In this episode, they discuss trends both local and global, and the impact that social media has on the way we dress and express ourselves. Tune in to hear the full story! Don’t miss out on any of our other stories! Give us […]

Cover art: three sets of paw prints lead to the text reading "Wolverine Pack"

Wolverine Pack: Season 2: Episode 7 | Fall Break and Witches


October 10, 2022

schedule 1 min read

Welcome back to the Wolverine Pack, the central hub for all news regarding UVU! This week, Sam and Meg discuss the events happening on campus, ranging from symphonic performances to prototype workshops. Not only are things on campus ramping up for the season, things up in gardener village seem to be doing the same thing! […]

COVER ART: Two students ride by on a tandem bike. Overhead, text reads "Wellness for Wolverines"

Wellness for Wolverines | Season 2: Episode 6 | Intuitive Eating


October 5, 2022

schedule 1 min read

Hello Wolverines! This week, host Jefferson Albright sits down with Kayla Jacobson, a dietitian at UVU. The two chat about how Kayla got into her field, what she does for work, and intuitive eating. If you’re interested in meeting with Kayla, you can schedule an appointment with her here! This week’s episode touches on disordered eating, […]

Wolverine Sports Central | Season 1: Episode 4


October 4, 2022

schedule 1 min read

Welcome back to Wolverine Sports Central! This week’s episode, Nathan and Gavin check in on our teams here at the university and their performance this last week. In addition to going over our own team, the two also discuss BYU’s sports and dig into the NFL as well. To keep up to date on all […]

Cover art: three sets of paw prints lead to the text reading "Wolverine Pack"

Warp and Weave and Childhood Heroes


October 3, 2022

schedule 1 min read

Welcome back to the Wolverine Pack! This week, Tevin and Sam go over all the amazing events happening this week at UVU! This week, you can find a little bit of everything– concerts, art exhibits, publications, and more! Be sure to tune in to learn more! For more information on any of this week’s stories, […]