Grotesque snacks at UVU Fear Factor


January 16, 2012

schedule 2 min read

Josh Petersen ate his way through Bison testicles, cow tongue and live cockroaches and grasshoppers to secure the coveted $300 UVU Bookstore scholarship from UVUSA’s reproduction of NBC’s “Fear Factor.” The internet and local butcher shops were the sources for the edible portions of the competition.   The annual event drew approximately 50 spectators who […]

Cannonized Cinema: The Dark Knight’s Redemption


January 16, 2012

schedule 7 min read

Sometimes when I look into the young faces of Batman fans eagerly talking about the final chapter of the Christopher Nolan Batman series, I feel both a sense of pride and anguish. These newly converted Batman lovers I speak of were either born in the late 1980s or some time in the 1990s. The Batman […]

Conversation club helps students learn English


January 16, 2012

schedule 3 min read

Venturing onto the second floor of the Liberal Arts building or even removing one’s almighty earbuds while meandering between classes reveals populations more than just those hailing from Utah. Native Japanese, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Russian and, of course, Spanish speakers populate UVU with rapidly increasing numbers. The English as a Second Language program currently […]

Mental health: Don’t be shy


January 10, 2012

schedule 4 min read

One out of every four people in the U.S. are suffering from some sort of mental illness at any given moment. The odds that a person will experience mental illness at some point in their life are even higher, at about 50 percent.   While depressive illnesses are the largest contributors to mental illness, social phobia […]

Woodbury Art Museum exposes hidden voices


January 9, 2012

schedule 4 min read

T-shirts, held by clothespins on lines hanging low across the room, displayed raw emotion, scrawled with permanent marker by victims of abuse and violence. The graphic nature of the personal feelings of pain and anger was countered by the simple, almost quiet attributes of the black-and-white prints in the main section of the museum, also […]

Student thanks taxpayers for keeping her alive


January 9, 2012

schedule 5 min read

To read the article from the Tampa Bay Times, visit   Sitting on the floor of her furnished living room, Keira Sloan Scholz stacks blocks with her  son. As soon as she builds a tower, her son knocks it down with his chubby hand, squealing with laughter. The gregarious little boy is a smaller, […]

‘Merry Wives’ delights audience with holiday show


January 9, 2012

schedule 4 min read

There is an old adage that states “Hell hath no fury like a women scorned.” However, as the Grassroots Shakespeare Company’s latest production illustrates, hell hath no fury like two clever women scorned. In its latest production over the holiday break, GSC performed “Merry Wives of Windsor,” a story of what happens when husbands falsely […]

Cannonized Cinema: Worst movies of 2011


January 9, 2012

schedule 3 min read

Another year has come and gone. Memberships at fitness gyms are on the rise and wedding dress shops are busy with the rush of newly engaged women. As people begin to adjust to writing ’12 instead of ’11 on lines labeled date, let us reflect on what the cinema gods have given us over this […]

Alise Allen and the little things


January 9, 2012

schedule 2 min read

A chain link fence stands, checkering the land.  Gear teeth churn the machine heart to life.  A tree, a plant, a weed nestles the sidewalk in the middle of urbanization, its stems and fronds and leafs a blueprint of natural jigsaw.   Alise Allen is in her closing semester of finishing her Bachelor of Fine […]

UVU’s Danica Olsen competes for Miss America


January 6, 2012

schedule 3 min read

On Saturday, Jan. 14, 53 ladies from across the U.S. will compete for the title of Miss America in Las Vegas. UVU’s own Danica Olsen of Tooele, Utah, will represent the state in the pageant’s 91st event.  Olsen will be sponsored by the Miss Utah Valley University Pageant and Miss Utah Scholarship Organization at the […]