Valley Life

Thanksgiving on a budget

Food, football and family are all common descriptions of Thanksgiving. One word that is usually excluded from this list is money. With costs rising as the economy is dwindling, this year’s Thanksgiving festivities may come up short. Fear not: Here is a Thanksgiving dinner for four that can be made with less than twenty dollars.

Bingo night

UV Mentor Club is hosting a bingo night for family, friends and those interested in becoming a mentor. Mentors are master students who are involved as coaches or mentors in the CLSS 1000 student success classes. They help students to become more connected on campus and more involved in their first year experience.

Woodbury Invitational

Bored? Explore something new. The Woodbury Art Museum can provide art and culture to uplift a boring day. The Woodbury Invitational, featuring artists from all over the country, will be exhibited until Feb. 20, 2009. “The artworks presented range from the clean aesthetic of restraint exercised in Robert Stuart’s explorations into material and simple geometric form, through the complex content laden images of Harvey Breverman, to the elaborate fantasy compositions of James C.

World of Warcraft

The second expansion of World of Warcraft was released on Nov. 13. Entitled “Wrath of the Lich King,” the game takes place on the mythical northern continents of Azeroth and sold more games within the first 24 hours of its release than any other PC game ever has to date.

Ask Cha-cha

What is the best way to hide the fact that you’re drunk from your family at Thanksgiving? -Drink coffee, stay quiet so you don’t say anything out of the ordinary, and so they can’t tell you are slurring your words. -Be sure to brush your teeth before you go and chew gum while there.

Change we can believe in

Marvel’s Ultimatum is changing things in a big way, for comic books at least By Nobody starts off an event like Marvel Comics. Did they just kill millions of people on the East Coast? Yep. Did half of the Fantastic Four just die? I think so. Were those X-Men being slammed by a tidal wave that consumed all of New York? Indeed they were.

If you haven’t read it

Angela’s Ashes is the first and best of a trilogy of Frank McCourt’s memoirs written after he retired from his 30-year career as an English teacher. In heartbreaking detail, McCourt tells of his childhood and coming of age in Limerick, Ireland around the time of the Second World War.

Waiting for the right time to marry

Earlier this month, the U.S. Census Bureau informed us that the median age for women to marry is 26 and the median age for men is 28. The study also concluded that these median ages are on the rise. One of the main reasons for delayed marriage is a career.

An alright Twilight

The epic love story that has been read by millions in the book Twilight was utterly bland when it came to the big screen. Bella Swan played by Kristen Stewart and Edward Cullen played by Robert Pattinson are two individuals who fall in love despite Edward’s innate vampire desire to kill Bella for her blood.

Luke’s movie reviews

Australia If the outback is this boring, I don’t want to vacation there anymore Romantic films are pornography for women; they bring an unreal fantasy that reality just doesn’t offer. And for that reason, men will hate Australia while the women who dragged them to it will love it.