Stress reduction in preparation for finals week 

Follow these important tips to make the finals week experience more positive with less overall stress. 

It’s that time of the semester again! Whether it is your first finals week or last finals week experience, there are a lot of strategies that individuals can put into practice today to ensure that this week goes as smoothly and is as stress-free as possible. Below are helpful ideas that individuals can choose to incorporate into their routines to help their finals experience become more laid-back. 

Plan ahead 

Planning ahead might be the most beneficial tip for stress reduction during finals week. It is essential to the student’s success to plan ahead. According to Rachel O’Conner from Active Minds, it can be very helpful for students to have an exact schedule of their finals at least one to two weeks in advance. This makes it a lot easier to plan out scheduled study sessions as well as help to keep everything more organized.  

Devoted time at school 

Often, students are most productive when they are in a conducive environment to accomplish the work on their plate. O’Conner continues by sharing ? great tip to be the most productive is to schedule time that is a commitment to study and work at the library or wherever else is a good environment on campus?By setting aside this specific time and leaving the comfortable home environment, it tells the mind and body that it is time to be productive and get work done. This is an excellent way to use limited time to your advantage. 

Scheduled breaks 

Finals week and preparing for it can be daunting as the to-do list continues to grow. According to Kayla Prince-Stehley from the National Alliance on Mental Illness, it is important to take care of mental, physical and emotional health during this time. In turn, it will benefit the brain’s capabilities and information retrieval that is needed during finals. Schedule intentional time to prioritize exercise, relaxation, meditation, or a social activity with friends. As long as these breaks are scheduled within reason, they will greatly affect the finals week experience in a positive way. 

Move your body 

Although it may feel like the time might be better spent studying, setting aside time to get some physical activity is extremely important. This does not have to be a significant amount of time — even a few minutes of movement is beneficial.  The University of Colorado Boulder suggests that whether it be going for a run, walk, bike ride or even a round of pickleball can be extremely relaxing or stress-relieving for the mental and emotional well-being. 

Appropriate sleep 

Finally, the article from the National Alliance on Mental Illness explains that it is important to prioritize sleep. It is common to skip out on sleep during this time and cram a little more, but this is where planning ahead plays a key role. Plan out set times to study and to complete projects so that sleep is a priority. Information retrieval thrives with enough sleep. 

Sleep is such an important factor of health and should be prioritized. UVU Wellness Programs offer help for students wanting to improve their sleep habits and sleep hygiene. The UVU wellness programs offers a one-on-one coaching program for students that teaches students how to have better sleep. These coaching sessions will also help students know what sleep issues they might have and how to improve those habits. Visit UVU health coaching for more information and to sign up for free coaching. 

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