A personal look at Wellness Wednesdays

Wellness Wednesdays consist of various events sponsored by UVU’s Health and Wellness program. Consisting of fun booths, Wellness Wednesdays are designed to inform students on how to stay healthy and happy. 

This article presents my personal experience attending the program as well as additional information about it. 

When I attended Wellness Wednesday, I was pleasantly surprised by the free activities and giveaway items that were available for students. Spinning the “Wheel of Wellness,” I was able to learn about mental toughness, or resilience, the ability to bounce back from failure. Although it wasn’t grandiose, I think that the presentation did its job well.

Talking to booth attendant and Health and Wellness intern, Stephanie Berry, I asked questions about what to expect and where to find other wellness booths during the day. In response, Berry explained that wellness booths could be found in varying places throughout campus and that the main locations often rotate between the Rebecca Lockheart Concourse; “The Zone” (the split path between the food court, the Science Buildings, and the Student Health and Wellness Center); and the Clarke Building. 

Berry also mentioned that topics for the wellness booths are changed on a weekly basis. Although my experience was focused on mental resilience, next week will be about something completely different. 

UVU takes great steps to take care of its students, and Wellness Wednesdays are Berry’s favorite part of the program. “I love being able to reach out to people,” Berry said.

If you find yourself between classes on Wednesday and have time to spare, try visiting a Health and Wellness booth. Maybe you’ll learn something new!

The UVU Wellness Center also hosts other programs, such as massage chairs, a relaxation room, and more.

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