With finals slowly approaching, it is important to master helpful study habits in preparation to tackle the responsibilities ahead.
The snow is finally melting, the sun is shining, and the grass is even looking greener. It is far more exciting to be outside than it was in January, but that also means that finals are approaching. Finals can be very daunting and stressful due to the amount of information retention that is required of the average college student. Luckily, there are some helpful finals study habits that can benefit those who adopt them.
First, it is helpful to know when exactly final exams are. This semester, spring 2024, finals will begin on Thursday, April 25th and will go through Wednesday, May 1st. These dates along with other helpful information regarding deadlines can be found on the UVU semester schedule website.
Study with peers
According to Shorelight, whether you believe it or not, peers and classmates can be a big motivation or source of strength. Schedule ahead of time to study with classmates and be amazed by how much can be accomplished. The competitive nature of humans will aid in pushing one another to work and performing at their best abilities.
Study in a good environment
Productivity is all about the environment. To be honest, the likelihood of accomplishing a lot in a busy, noisy, social environment is pretty slim. The Princeton Review encourages students to choose a study environment that will allow for the most productivity possible. While it may be difficult to leave the comfort of a bedroom, set yourself up for success and pick a helpful environment.
Teach others
The Princeton Review also suggests that one of the best ways to figure out personal competency is to see if you can teach the topic to a classmate or peer. Recalling information is a great way to detect where you may be at with the material and which areas need more focus to improve for the final exam.
Take earned breaks
Finally, Shorelight explains that it is important for students to take necessary breaks to benefit emotional and mental health during such a stressful time. Take personal time each day, whether that consists of exercise, relaxation, meditation, a nap, or a social activity. At the end of the day, every individual knows themselves best in what way they mentally recharge.
Pace yourself
According to Carson Newman Christian University a crucial tip for success while forming study habits is to pave yourself with. It may be tempting to cram as much information in all at once last minute, but this is not the best way to learn the material. Although this may sound tempting cramming can lead to more stress and eventually being overwhelmed with studying.The best method for studying properly for final exams is to set time aside each week to study and get ready for your final exams.