Simple tricks for students to help fight depression 

This time of year can be an exciting one with all the holidays, but it can also be a time of dread with finals. Here are a few suggestions on how to emotionally stay afloat. 

It is no big secret that college is hard. Between school, work, and sometimes family obligations, this time is intense for many. This intensity can also leave students open to depression, especially as finals approach. Here are some tips to help students fight that. 

Remember that one paper, assignment, or test does not define you, as a student or as a person. It may feel that way in the moment, but in the grand scheme of things, one assignment is a minor blip on the radar. 

Take care of yourself. This is especially important with the end of the semester approaching. While it may be the last thing on your mind, taking just a few minutes for yourself can help you fend off the gloom of looming tests and papers. 

Take some time to be with friends or family. While it may seem like studying should be your main priority, if that is all you do, you can become prone to burnout and depression. Hanging out with people you care about can give you a much-needed break. 

Keep in mind that you will not be studying forever. There will come a day that you will graduate and not have to study further. Keep working toward that day. It is worth it. 

Remind yourself that if you end up failing a class, it can be always retaken. While this can push your graduation date back, it is not the end of the world. It is just one class. You are human; give yourself permission to try again. 

Finally, if you find yourself starting to feel depressed, check out UVU’s Timely Care, part of the Student Health Services. Not only does it give 24/7 service to students, it is also free, even without insurance. As their site says, “Your mental health is crucial to your success in and out of the classroom, and with TimelyCare, you can access care on a flexible schedule that fits your needs.” 

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