‘Chinese Lessons’ for UVU

schedule 1 min read

Photo courtesy of University Marketing

During his time at Nanjing University in 1982, John Pomfret had the opportunity to see China in a way that few were able to at that time, as he was one of the few American students allowed to study at the university.

Pomfret, Washington Post reporter, wrote about his experiences in China after the cultural revolution in his book CHINESE LESSONS and will be coming to speak on Feb. 1 at 11:30 in LI 120. Pomfret’s lecture is titled “Then and Now: A China Watcher’s Tale.”

Pomfret was also an Associated Press reporter during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 and continues today to report on China for the Washington Post.

As part of their Global Spotlight on China, the International Center will be hosting Pomfret because of his extensive experience with and knowledge of China.