Anonymous email denounces candidate for sexual orientation

Photo by Connor Allen

While political races can be ruthless, the current race for one UVUSA position just turned personal. On Thursday, March 1 various club presidents received an email from an anonymous email account denouncing candidate Tom Hawkins because of his sexual orientation. Hawkins, who is openly gay, is running for Vice President of Clubs and Organizations.


The email, which was sent from “,” claimed that because of Hawkin’s sexuality, “his judgment is impaired and biased.” The email continued by stating “If we are to allow a gay student into student government, next they will be allowing students to advocate for same-sex marriage.”


The email also stated that because of  “our traditions, beliefs, and values here in Utah, and specifically Utah County, we cannot afford to let this person into the VP position.” The email went on to claim, “Because of Tom’s sexual orientation, he will not be able to perform his job the same way his opponent can.”


When Hawkins, who is a co-chair of UVU Spectrum–LGBTQI/Straight Alliance, decided to run, he was concerned that his sexual orientation would come up, “…but I never expected something like this.”


“My initial reaction was to quit. I was pretty upset about it,” Hawkins said. “Now, I’m even more determined to win.”


While Hawkins has not received any direct emails or messages from people opposed to his campaign, the email did rattle him.


“Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and values but personally I felt a little attacked,” Hawkins said. “My sexual orientation has nothing to do with how well I do my job and my duties.”


After receiving a copy of the email, Cory Duckworth, Vice President of Student Affairs, was adamant that the email does not reflect the views of UVU.


“The expressions that are there are totally inconsistent of anything supported or represented by Utah Valley University,” Duckworth said. “We pride ourselves on being highly inclusive and creating an environment where every student can feel comfortable and can completely participate in our programs.”


While Duckworth acknowledges that people have the right “to think and feel the way they want to, it is unfortunate that they need to do it in a way that is hurtful to other people.”


Aaron Samudio, who is running for Executive Vice President on Team Aspire, reinforced his team’s support for Hawkins.


“We support Tom 100 percent…Part of our platform is to ‘Serve Diverse Lifestyles,’” Samudio said. “Supporting Tom supports diversity. He is a genuine, well-spoken, intelligent person with real goals and ideas. All of that is separate from his sexual orientation.”


Chad Workman, who is running for Student Body President on Team Impact in the UVUSA elections, also voiced his disapproval of the anonymous email.


Workman works with Hawkins as Workman’s Department Representative for the Behavioral Science Department in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.


“As far as this anonymous email is concerned, it was extremely out of line to speak so poorly about Tom, especially in expressing their assumption that Tom will ‘be imposing his biases and judgments into all of the clubs and organizations on campus,’” Workman said. “This was written by an uneducated individual who could have expressed their concerns in a more appropriate way.”


Team Exelerate, the third team running for the Executive Council in UVUSA also released a statement regarding the email.


“Team EXELerate does not endorse nor approve of discrimination in any form, including sexual orientation,” said David Millet, who is running for Student Body President on Team Exelerate. “We believe that Utah Valley University should be a place where all students should feel welcome and included. We believe candidates should be looked at based on their experience and capability to do the job and on nothing else.”


Sarah Roseborough, current Vice President of Clubs and Organizations, sent out an email to all of the club presidents condemning the email they received regarding Hawkins’s sexual orientation.


“This email is in no way endorsed by the Clubs Office or any department of Utah Valley University,” Roseborough said. “As a matter of fact, if you read UVU’s mission statement there are several places which endorse professionalism, diversity, individuality, and inclusiveness… I ask that as you learn about each candidate and their platforms you remember that sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, age, sex, national origin, pregnancy-related condition, or disability, should not determine an election.”


Other students have expressed their outrage over the email. Lisa Beaudry, a Business Management major read the email after her daughter received it.


“I wanted to go to a school where different religions, different ethnicities and different sexual orientations were talked about and welcome,” Beaudry said.


Beaudry was especially angry that the anonymous emailer most likely used the UVU website or the corresponding Orgsync website to acquire the emails of club presidents.


“It’s one thing to have an opinion, but it’s another thing to use UVU’s resources to impose that opinion on other students,” Beaudry said.


The university and President Holland have released an official statement regarding the email.


“As an institution, we pride ourselves on being a place that is hospitable to all. We condemn intimidation, harassment, and discrimination against any student. Inclusivity is one of our core themes and values as a university. The reported viewpoint represents one anonymous individual’s perspective and is not shared by the University. In fact, we denounce such vitriolic, uncivil and counterproductive dialog.”


By Kelly Cannon & Vanessa Fraga Perkins

Life Editor & News Correspondent

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Emily Stephenson
13 years ago

This article was very informative and covered all angles. Nice job girls!!

Ryan Whitecar
Ryan Whitecar
13 years ago

Well, I certainly hope Hawkins wins.

This “anonymous” is just another Utah County bigot. Let him be another hero of this warped value system—but please, exercise your vote to keep this kind of prejudiced worldview out of the university.

13 years ago

What is this, Mean Girls?

13 years ago

wow, who is the idiot that would send an email like that?

Michael Jorgensen
Michael Jorgensen
13 years ago

Politics are dirty and ugly – even at the university level. Tom Hawkins has my vote.

13 years ago

Question, with so many in the administration and student government saying they do not condone acts like this, why haven’t they included orientation in the school’s non-discrimination policy? It’s high time for the administration to put up or shut up, they can either say they don’t approve of bigotry or homophobia at the school, or they can show it by putting in place the policies that will help to prevent, or at least contain, it.

Aaron Samudio
Aaron Samudio
13 years ago

If you look at our platform at you’ll see that this is a priority for us. Diversity creates discussion, and discussion is a tool of engaged learning. Team Aspire supports Tom, as we always have, before and after this scandal. I hope we can work together in office to change the face of school politics at this university.

Juliann Ogilvie
Juliann Ogilvie
13 years ago

Wow! What a great article….thanks for stepping in and standing up for what is right! It is a shame that some people can be so small minded and so hurtful to others. It is a tragedy that the email was written, but I am proud for the positive way this article addresses the issue. I am proud of the inclusivity and diversity I have found at UVU. I know Tom is an all around great guy that is always looking out for what is best for the university and what is best for the students. He cares about people and the issues and I hope he wins:)

angel like
angel like
13 years ago

JUDGE and yee shall shall be JUDGED

Sexual PREFERENCE has NOTHING to do with ones ability to run in a political office

IF you want to denounce the man then you must find something illegal or unethical

A sexual preference will NOT sway my vote.

and NO i am not gay I just happen to support the right to free sexual preference

angel like
angel like
13 years ago

DONT you people have better things to do than concentrate on a mans sexual preference. DONT be afraid ITS NOT CONTAGIOUS.

Judge and yee shall be judged

Tom Hawkins Has my vote. and I hope he hires his partner to work along side of him


The true issues in politics are in Washington FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS

Filippo magistro
Filippo magistro
13 years ago

Student Tom Hawkins had courage to come out . To send an anonymous email and the author of this email claiming he is a christian on the contrary he has come out as being coward. When will this hate syndrome be over especially in Utah county. In plain words a scripture says: be careful before you throw a rock at someone, you may get 50 directed toward you.