Best-selling author Kris Radish is coming to town Dec. 2-3 to speak to students about her widely known novels. She will also discuss her exploits as a journalist, during which time she covered murders, court trials and politics.
Although she is originally from Wisconsin, Radish used to be the Utah County bureau chief for the Deseret News. She later left Utah County and covered news stories all over the world. This, she says, made for a lot of excitement.
“During my lively, often humorous, always exciting and totally demanding career as a journalist, I was also stalked, shot at, assaulted and threatened with everything from a rock to a shotgun. I hung out of the side of helicopters, went to Bosnia during the war, flew an airplane, rappelled down a mountain cliff, almost drowned in the Colorado River,” Radish writes on her website.
Despite the demands this life put on her, Radish found time to write widely acclaimed novels. She writes about relationships between people, parenting and gender relations, among many other subjects. She wants to help her readers know that society does not define you.
“We are excited to welcome Kris home,” said Englehardt professor of Ethics. “She has traveled around the world talking about her books. I’m glad she is now coming to share her thoughts and talents with the Utah Valley community.”
Radish will be speaking on Dec. 2 from 6-7 p.m. in LI 120. Her presentation is titled “A Novel Approach to Personal Democracy- One Author’s Journey.” Following her presentation, there will be a reception and a book signing.
Her second presentation will be held Dec. 3 from 10:00-10:50 a.m. at the South Presidential Suite in the UCCU Center. She will speak about her favorite passages from her latest book, followed by a reception and book signing.
The event is being sponsored by the Center for the Study of Ethics, Integrated Studies, Gender Studies, Turning Point and the Business Management department.
Have you written anything lately?
Kris Radish’s Seven
Best-selling Novels:
Searching for Paradise in Parker, PA
The Sunday List of Dreams
Annie Freeman’s Fabulous Traveling Funeral
Dancing Naked at the Edge of Dawn
The Elegant Gathering of White Snows
The Shortest Distance Between Two Women
Hearts on a String