Gas prices, traffic, obesity, and parking problems are some of the things that Luke Stevenson doesn’t have to deal with. Why? Because he commutes by bicycle.
Other colleges and universities have made pushes to green up their campuses by getting their students on bikes. Stevenson is putting together a push to get this mentality on our campus through a research project named the “Bicycle Commuter Project,” which will document the financial and physical benefits of bicycle commuting.
Stevenson said, “The goal of the project is to raise public awareness that alternative methods of transportation are not only functional, but are great solutions to many problems here at UVU and within our local community.” The information obtained through the study will help show the need for expanded support of bicycle commuting.
Stevenson is seeking grants to make this study possible and hopes to have it underway next spring.
A college in Atlanta went so far as to equip buildings with showers, also adding more bike racks and a free campus shuttle. Cycling safety and maintenance classes along with discounts on bicycles are available as well.
A call for more bicycle commuting here is necessary. A college in frigid Wisconsin made a push for more students on bikes. If they can do it, we can do it. Get a bike, get healthy, and go green. Bike.