Black Friday Shopping Survival Guide

schedule 3 min read

Black Friday. The name alone sounds ominous and alarming, but for many the day after Thanksgiving is set aside as a special day, a day dedicated to shopping.


While some would rather stay at home, warm and safe from the frenzy of dedicated Black Friday shoppers, others like to be in the middle of it all, preparing days in advance for their early morning hunt.


In interviews with students around campus, handy tips and original ideas shed light on how to beat the crowds and get a hold of the best deals.


When it comes to waiting in line, there is nothing really comparable to the time spent in a Black Friday checkout line. Alexis Sagen and her friends found a way to beat the system: she brings her dad to wait in line for her. That or another friend waits in line while the others run around the store holding things up, asking each other if anyone is interested. Taking turns holding a place in line is an effective way for everyone to get what they want, without getting held up for too long.


An experienced Black Friday shopper of three years, Bailey Furmanski said her favorite place to shop is the Park City Outlets. “They’re the best ones I have been to,” Furmanski said. She finds great deals on apparel, shoes and electronics. One tip from Furmanski for shoppers: “I try not to be too particular. That way if I don’t get what I want, I’m not bummed out.” Oh yes, one more thing, Furmanski doesn’t let sleep steal the fun, she is out there shopping by 1:00 a.m.


The earlier the better seems like the common strategy for getting the hot deals before anyone else.


For Shelley Black, 1:00 a.m. is not early enough. “My family usually drags me along for the early morning at Wal-Mart. We drive 45 minutes to Wal-Mart in Cedar City from our home. Last year we left at 11:00 p.m. for the 1:00 a.m. opening.” Black said she reads the ads before she goes to get an idea of what kind of deals are out there.


By checking advertisements early on, one can plan a successful course to get the best deals offered.


Rolando Calonge checks online to see what bargains he can find and plans his route accordingly. But again, to Calonge, the most important thing for success when shopping Black Friday is getting there before anyone else.

By Jamie Ghormley