Bullying is a ‘solvable problem’


In a presentation and documentary screening Nov. 18, the internationally recognized Kind campaign addressed the complex issue of bullying and proved that everyone is impacted by bullying.

The Kind campaign, which was started by Lauren Parsekian and Molly Thompson, is a non-profit organization targeting female bullying. The two created a documentary about the harmful impacts of bullying by traveling across the nation interviewing and presenting to girls. The result was an award-winning documentary, thousands of lives touched and bullying brought to the forefront of many social conversations.

The Women’s Success Center provided the opportunity to learn more about bullying. It showed that girl-on-girl harassment is an increasing problem across the globe. They brought the Kind campaign documentary to campus along with a presentation by Jessie Funk, an advocate for student leadership and founder of the Ivy Girl Academy program.

Funk began her presentation by addressing the need for more kindness in all areas of life and the importance of teaching young girls to have these skills early on.

“When we teach kindness we give real tools that are something that can rewire our brains in order to be kind and solve that problem,” said Funk.

Funk related several personal examples of how she was not only the victim of bullying growing up but where she was in a position to be a bully as well. Funk stressed that relationships can often be a place of aggression and that those that are bullied often become bullies. She placed emphasis on the fact that when bullying is dealt with and understood, many different harmful situations can be avoided.

Funk also highlighted the fact that bullying can be simple acts that do not seem like a big deal initially, but hurt others in the process.

However, she said, solving the problem can be simple as well.

“That’s why I love studying bullying and kindness,” said Funk. “It is a solvable problem. It is something that we can fix.”

Following Funk’s presentation, attendees were able to view the Kind campaign documentary where bullying is seen from a different viewpoint—from both the victims and the bullies. Young girls are not just the target for bullying; rather, it was shown that women of all ages are often caught in the web of bullying.

The film emphasized that not only does everyone have a story, but everyone has a role to play in ending the damaging harassment of others. It really is as simple as just being kind.

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