Congressional candidate Darlene McDonald addresses debate controversies and shares her vision

The UVU Review sat down with the Democratic candidate for the 4th congressional district, Darlene McDonald, where she addressed controversies about a planned debate between herself and Representative Burgess Owens.

McDonald shared thoughts on the Wolverine Buzz Podcast about the controversy of the decision to exclude January Walker, the United Utah candidate, from the debate to be held on Oct. 28 live streamed through social media and on YouTube.

“Right now, and with the things that have transpired,” McDonald states. “I wouldn’t say that I would feel safe [with Walker in the debate] because the behavior has been pretty erratic, and unprofessional and unpredictable.”

Announced over social media, Owens and McDonald stated that they would participate in a rescheduled debate separate from the Utah Debate Commission debate held previously. Controversy arose as Walker took to social media to express frustration about being excluded from this debate.

“Both [the GOP] and [the Democrat] parties are participating in suppression of a minor party to keep the stronghold,” Walker tweeted. “This is unethical and anyone that excuses it is supporting corruption.”

Walker later apologized for some of her scathing rhetoric on McDonald, “I turned on a friend based on what I perceived to be complicity with political corruption.” She later stated, “I wish her the best at the debate & apologize for my fierce words.”

In her interview with the UVU Review, McDonald shared her vision for the future and what she would bring to Congress as the Utah 4th district’s representative, covering topics from smarter government and voting rights to education and student loans.

“I love this state, I have been showing up for the people of this state,” McDonald stated. “When people call, I show up.”

When addressing the national debt, McDonald stressed that we have to create a smarter government through consolidating programs to prevent waste, along with addressing where the budget is spent. Quoting then-Senator Joe Biden, she made her point.

“Show me your budget and that will tell you what you value,’ our budget should reflect our values,” McDonald stated. “We need to have a budget that I believe reflects the American people, and how we can invest in the American people. … We have a military budget … that is net the 11 countries combined. At the same time we say we can’t afford the first two years of college for our students.”

In addressing education, McDonald voiced her support for free college for students and stated that she is for much more than just two years of college. “There is a difference between spending and investing.,” McDonald stated.

“You’re giving back to the American society, so that is an investment that has paid off by you being able to afford to feed yourself and your family,” McDonald stressed. “If we don’t make those investments in our education, then we will end up paying for it somewhere along the way.”

Speaking to voting rights, McDonald has actually visited UVU campus to speak about voting rights within the country. Specifically regarding the validity of voter registration and ID laws, she states that she still holds the view that ID laws are a way to suppress the vote; along with that, she would like to make voting federalized.

“I would love to do that [in reference to federal elections],” McDonald said. “One of the compromises that our Founding Fathers made with the Southern states to be able to ratify the constitution was to not have a federalized election. I think that was a very big mistake.”

For more information about McDonald’s campaign, visit her website. For more information on how to vote and to register to vote, visit The deadline to register to vote online is Oct. 28.

Check out the Wolverine Buzz Podcast for the full interview with Darlene McDonald.

Matthew Drachman

Editor-In-Chief of the UVU Review   (2022-2024)

Starting with the Review in 2021, I have strived to tell every story in a fair and balanced way. As Editor-In-Chief of this organization, I promise that every paper you pick up, and every article you read will be everything the story has to tell and nothing in between.

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