Dean Farnsworth is receiving the Life Time Achievement Award

schedule 1 min read

On 28 March 2013, the UVU School of Education appeared before the Teacher Education Accreditation Council, TEAC, panel in Philadelphia, PA. In January, an audit team from TEAC visited UVU and was able to verify everything that the School of Education presented in their Inquiry Brief, resulting in a “clean audit report.”

The purpose of this latest meeting was for the TEAC panel to consider the Inquiry Brief along with the report from the audit team, to determine if UVU’s program is a good teacher education program. Ultimately, they voted unanimously to accredit the UVU Teacher Preparation program.

The TEAC board will meet at the beginning of May to officially recognize their accreditation. Additionally, towards the end of April, they’ll hear from them about the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, CAEP, accreditation as well. They don’t believe that will be any different, they just need to go through the process as CAEP is the new umbrella accreditation organization being set up.