Etiquette crucial for confidence

Having proper etiquette will instill students with ‘extra confidence,’ according to PRSSA President Angela Pickering. Nate Baldwin/UVU Review

Attending a business luncheon or formal dinner party can be a crucial opportunity to get to know associates and make important contacts; however, when a shrimp cocktail slips from your hand and slides down the front of your clean white shirt, how should you handle that unfortunate event?

On Dec. 1, the PRSSA chapter will be sponsoring the first annual etiquette dinner, preparing students for the real world of business luncheons, formal dinners and meals with potential employers.

Some questions to be answered at the dinner include what you should do if you spill food on yourself, what direction food should be passed at the table, and which drinks and salad, bread and butter plates belong to whom.

“Students will need to make a good first impression,” said Angela Pickering, PRSSA president. “When displaying proper etiquette, it will give [students] extra confidence.”

There are many unspoken rules of proper etiquette that, when followed, can really open some positive doors, allowing great opportunities to happen.

“Employers are looking for college graduates who are polished and professional, ready to hit the job running,” says Stephen Whyte, assistant professor of communication and PRSSA faculty advisor. “PRSSA’s etiquette dinner will help UVU students learn the ins and outs of what to do and not to do so they can be successful regardless of their career path.”

Speaking at the dinner will be training and development consultant, Anna King, who previously worked for Citibank N.A. and Lands’ End.

Seating is limited and must be reserved by Nov. 19 by visiting Campus Connection in the Sorenson Student Center.

Date: Dec. 1
Time: 6 p.m.
Location: Sorenson Student Center Grande Ballroom
Dress: Business professional
Meal: Five-course gourmet dinner service
Cost: $15
Invited: All students and their friends/spouses

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