Excerpts from a wasted life – Twitter edition
by Rob Steffen
#followfriday @RPG @Wizard @Dungeons @Dragons @Gaming @Tabletop @Characters @japan @MMO @cat @wow @warhammer @fps @zelda @lonely
the poster fell down into my fan. tybalt iii is dead. goodbye tybalt iii. but i’ll always have my moment with donny…
found a poster of a cat. good enough. hello tybalt iii
#thinkingthursday thinking about where to find a new cat. pet store is too $$$. animal shelter is for dirty cats. is there a kitty co-op?
@finalfantastic shut up about your dead cat. guess what, clown, i’m the one who fed her bleach.
the shasta’s gone now. i bet tybalt ii would have liked origami. maybe its time for a new tybalt? dare i love again?
#wodenwednesday all hail odin, aesir god of wandering. wednesday was named for Him, that we all might hump in our week. his will be done.
at home, drinking shasta. thinking about learning origami.
@finalfantastic Listen, I’m sick of you calling me after 9 p.m. every night and crying/hanging up. And stop texting my brother.
#twittertuesday i tweet tweets to all my twits, and you can twote me on that.
at the supermarket buying shasta, and i see donny osmond!! zomg!! i couldn’t help myself. i went to shake his hand and kissed it instead.
#musicmonday rush & neil perth, neil perth & rush. always and 4eva. also, wolfmother.