First annual “Bowl-a-Thon”

schedule 2 min read

On Sept. 18, students and professors joined together for a day of bowl making to support Provo’s Food and Care Coalition.
Though ceramics professors Mark Talbert and Brian Jensen have been submitting privately for several years, this is the first time the school has supported the coalition’s “Bowls for Humanity” fundraiser.

The day of bowl making included both professors and intermediate or advanced pottery students and will have a second part in the spring. Between the two days, Jensen said that he thinks they can crank out 400-500 bowls; besides what Jensen and Talbert will submit privately.

“Its a donation,” said Jensen. “Students can really make a difference with their art work and can help the community by making bowls. It’s the best way to become engaged.”

The fundraiser is to be held on March 6 at the Covey Center for the Arts in Provo. Handmade soup bowls from local potters are filled with soup and can be purchased for $20. Since 2006, the coalition has invited community members to partake in a soup dinner to benefit the organization’s mission and gives diners the opportunity to purchase the bowl they eat from. All proceeds are donated to the coalition.

Last year, over 400 pieces were sold. However the event has become increasingly more popular and the demand for professional bowls is increasing as they become collectors items. With what Jensen calls a “bowl-a-thon” he hopes to supply this new demand.