Food pantry opening

Students and administrators gather together for the ribbon cutting of the new food pantry on campus. Jake Buntjer/UVU Review

The Volunteer and Service Learning Center, in conjunction with Community Action Services and Food Bank, opened up their new on-campus food pantry on Sept. 17.

The occasion was celebrated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, free pizza and lots of excitement in the air for the grand opening.

The pantry has been established to decrease student food insecurity, increase healthy eating choices and help improve student retention numbers, according to the food pantry’s webpage.

“It’s about education,” said Alexis Palmer, director of the Volunteer and Service Learning Center. “We don’t want you leaving UVU so you can put food on the table.”

The food pantry will have various food items for those in need. Items include boxed goods, peanut butter, soups and canned fruits, vegetables, meats and beans.

All students that are currently enrolled with at least six credit hours are eligible to receive aid from the pantry. Students must fill out an intake form describing their needs with Americorps Vista member SuHyen Perez at the learning center (LC 205) or call to schedule an appointment beforehand at 801-863-5335.

Along with the annual campus food drive in November, students were encouraged at the grand opening to donate food to the pantry as well.

“Our whole goal is to alleviate hunger,” said Erica Hone, communication specialist for Community Action Services and Food Bank. “Please give, share with your fellow students.”

Dean of Students, Bob Rasmussen said the pantry is a great opportunity for those who need assistance to be able to “stay in school.”

Freshman Linda Smith, a Hospitality Management student and single mother of two, plans to use the food pantry in the near future.

“I think its great,” she said. “Having the resources on campus is beneficial, especially for single moms.”

The food pantry will be available Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., in LC 219. Students should bring their student ID and their own bags for food.  Pre-prepared food boxes will be available for families of two, three and four members as well.

For further information, visit

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Deanne Despain
Deanne Despain
14 years ago

What a great idea!