Food pantry spices it up

schedule 2 min read

By putting a little more pizzazz in the name, the food pantry is taking its operation up a notch. Formerly the “UVU Food Pantry,” the Volunteer and Service Learning department threw out the bland and welcomed in a new appellation: the UV “You Can” Food Pantry.

When asked what the purpose of the new name is, SuHyen Um-Perez, AmeriCorps VISTA: Community Outreach Coordinator, explained that the double meaning is important. Not only does it represent cans, as in canned food, but it also denotes a “You Can” attitude.

“I expect that the UV ‘You Can’ food pantry will give UVU students hope and support. I encourage UVU students to come to use the UV ‘You can’ food pantry so that they don’t need to drop their classes because of the insecurity of food,” Um-Perez said.

This is welcome assurance for some students who may worry about paying for food and tuition. It also fits in well with the stated purpose of the food pantry, found on the school’s website at:

The site reads: “The purpose of the food pantry is to decrease student food insecurity, increase healthy eating choices, and help improve student retention numbers. Students who are facing food insecurity can visit the food pantry where pre-packed food boxes are available for family sizes of 2-4.”

As far as deciding upon a new name, the community outreach program sponsored a naming contest from Oct. 18 to Dec. 10. The contest included all faculty, staff and students. Jonathan Perez produced the winning name, which now graces the food pantry.

Food Pantry hours of operation:
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Though an appointment is not necessary, one can be scheduled by calling SuHyen Perez at 801-863-5335 or email [email protected].